2 Jar full of hearts

39 18 15

Listen to Sofia by Clairo

Stella's POV

I fervently pulled my pants up, almost dropping my phone into the toilet. The stench of urine lessened when I stumbled out of the toilet cubicle. I was still thinking about Meera, about undressing her and roaming her body with my tongue when I got pushed aside by a large, blue-haired woman. 

My body slammed into a foam wall. "Hey!" I called after her, tripping onto my foot. With a loud gasp, I caught her hip and flew to the ground with her. 

"Bitch!" she screamed in a Russian accent. "What do you think you're doin'?" Her hoarse voice was like nails scratching on a chalkboard.

"What do you think you're doing, huh?" I retorted, eyes shining at her with challenge. With an ugly sneer, she flexed her bulging biceps to threaten me. The looping tattoos on her exposed arm danced in a blur before my eyes. "You think you can push me and leave without an apology, smurfhead?" I asked, laughing down at her. Even though she seemed the stronger one, I took advantage of my height to intimidate her.

She caught my shoulder and pushed lightly. "Don't! I just had a fight with my boyfriend. Don't make me hit you."

I tilted my head and paused, feeling the crowd gather around us. My blood stirred with adrenaline, rushing through every pore of my body. I suddenly became super-aware of the raging buzz in my head. "Hit me, then. Hit me."

She roughly pulled at my collar and shook me. "Get out of my way. I'll kill you."

I guffawed, showering saliva on her irked face.  Leaning onto her shoulder, I whispered, "You scared?"

"Fight!" A voice boomed from behind me. "Fight! Fight!" Soon, the whole bar, from high teens to bored old men, was chanting in chorus. The cold air from the AC made my skin tingle in a way I'd never experienced before. 

"You look cute. How have I never seen you before?" I flashed her a cocky smile, arousing her to punch me. "Where do you work?"

"Across the street," she flatly replied. "Hair saloon."

I positioned my fists in front of me, ready to punch her. "Hit me if you have the pussy for it."

At that, she lost control over her body. With a final gnaw of the lip, she hurled a blow at me. "Ugh..." Her tight fist slammed onto my jaw. 

With my arms stretched out around me like wings made of glitters and diamonds, I felt my body fly backward. Down, down, down I went, with my hair rebelling like a royal crown. I found myself smiling into the cold air.   

I collided on the floor with a thud. "Ooo..," the audience cried in excitement.

The sharp pain on my mouth sent a wave of jetting electricity through my veins as I wiped the blood on my sleeve. Smurfhead laughed down at me. "Happy now?" she said, curling her thick arms around her chest.

Energized by the commotion of the onlookers, I crawled up her leg and pumped my fists together. I flung a punch at her face, but with a grunt of surprise, she ducked. On my second attempt, I scraped her shoulder. 

"Good one," she teased sarcastically.

With a high pitched laugh, I spread my arms in the air. The whole universe seemed to be standing under me, gaping at me and listening to me. "I love my life!" I bellowed. "I'm so happy. Hit me! I feel like a jar full of stars. A jar fu-"

An unforeseen punch landed on my left eye, and this time she knocked me out completely. 

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Whao!" The onlookers cheered for Smurfhead as she left the scene with pride. I laughed and groaned on the filthy floor till Meera came in, yelling curses at whoever did this to me.

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