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My head throbbed, aching. I forced myself to sit up. I was in an alleyway. As I sat up, I immediately regretted it. I was filled with pain and I let out a groan.

"Hey you're up. How's your head?" C asked.

"Hurts." I groaned.

"Sorry about that..." 'OUTLAW' tattoo guy said. "I'm The Deviant, by the way."

I nodded weakly. "Okay. What's going on?"

"They are trying to find us. We have to get you back to your house safely. But you need to act like we attacked you and that you're scared to death." CC said.

"Easy enough." In a way, they did attack me.

"It's not as easy as it sounds." The Deviant said. What was his real name? Did he have one?

"I've already been attacked by you." I said, pointing at him. "And the shadow demons scare me." He looked sheepish.

"Do you know your way back from the left side of town?"


"If they see you, make up a realistic story about an attack."

"But here is the catch; you need to forget all about us. Just for...the time being." The Deviant said. It sounded like he was about to regret something. "It's going to hurt only for a second. Then you'll blackout for 30 seconds. When you wake up, you won't remember us at all," He gulped. "but it's only for a day." He rushed out.

"Oh...okay..." I had a strange feeling whenever I was around him. It wasn't bad, but I knew it wasn't good either. The Deviant stuck a needle in my arm without warning, causing me to yelp. C put a hand over my mouth, as I felt my entire body slowly relaxing. My limbs were loosening and they felt overly heavy. My eyelids fluttered and fell shut.

My eyes shot open. Two people were standing over me. I screamed as I was backing away from them. Their faces were full of hurt and concern. I scampered away from them, bolting for my house. In my haste, I didn't notice that I had run right into a shadow demon. I yelped as he grabbed the scruff of my shirt, threatening me with his tall staff.

"What are you doing out here?"

"There were people! I-in leather a-and they s-said they'd k-kill me if I t-told you. Please let me go home, s-sir. My mom will be worrying 'bout me, please sir; I'm scared. They are over that way, sir." I pointed to the way I'd come. I truly was scared. I had no idea who they were, but I remembered that they knocked me out, and before that, they said that they would kill me.

"Go. Don't come back." He said gruffly.

I ran back to my house like a scared puppy. My father and mother were worried sick about me. They were pacing, and when they saw me, they looked relieved.

"Are you okay? Where were you? What happened?" My mother said frantically, bombarding me with questions.

"I'm fine. I had an encounter with some rebellious guys, but I got away and told F.E.A.R. where they were. The guys knocked me out but I'm okay now, just covered in dirt and alleyway filth."

"You did the right thing, darling. You protected our town." My father said. They didn't know about the stealing, but my parents were little goody-two-shoes. Always following the rules, not complaining. Supporting F.E.A.R. and their terrible ways.

"Go clean up, April. You need your rest too."

"Good night." My mother said. I was knocked out for that long? I thought that only a few hours had passed, not a whole day.

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