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Sarah and Parker walked to the bus stop together, like they did every day. Their neighborhood wasn't huge. Everyone knew everyone and were good friends with eachother. Especially Sarah and Parker's families. Sarah really only liked school for two reasons.

1. Reading on free time
2. Seeing Carson Simons

That was what she liked to do. Whenever she wasn't reading,she was drueling over Carson Simons.

Parker didn't really like school at all. He didn't like reading and didn't have a crush on anyone.

It was pretty cold outside on that day. The temperatures were dropping faster than they could count. Small parts of the road had been covered in thin sheets of ice. But finally,the bus had came and everyone had got on one by one.

The ride there wasn't always so fun. Sometimes there were people in the wrong seats and sometimes there wasn't. If all was right, Sarah and Parker sat together. That was what had happened today.

All they really did was talk and finish homework if they hadn't gotten it done,but that's highly unlikely for them.

"Do you think Carson Simons is going to be at school today?" Sarah said excitedly

"I Don't know. Why?" Parker asked

"No reason. How does my hair look?" Sarah wondered

"Its alright." Parker answered with a grin

Sarah punched him on the arm.

"Thanks." Sarah said

The bus arrived at the school and everyone trudged off. This was never an exciting time.
Sarah was walking to the entrance with everyone else when suddenly she turned to see the one of two things she enjoyed at school,Carson Simons.

Parker saw Sarah looking over at someone but couldn't tell what.

"Sar?" Parker said trying to get her attention.

Sarah stood silently.

"SAR!" Parker yelled

"What?" Sarah asked

"You were staring at someone and weren't answering me." Parker said

"Oh. Sorry. Carson Simons was over there and I..I just got carried away I guess." Sarah said in embarrassment

"I don't even know why you like that guy. All he is is a heartbreak and a jerk. Hes not worth it." Parker said angrily

"What's up with you?" Sarah asked

"Just trying to save you from a mistake is all." Parker said

They Finally entered the school. Their lockers were in separate hallways so they usually split up while walking past Parker's locker. Sarah walked into the next hallway which had her locker in it. Sarah quickly put the combination into her lock and opened the locker. She was surprised to find a piece of paper fall down from the top of her locker. She bent down to inspect it. She carefully unfolded the note and read:

"Dear, My Love
I left this note just to tell you how I feel.
I really really like you but don't know how to express this in person. Every time I see you my heart sinks. Thank you for always making my day. (even if you don't know who's)
Your Mystery Lover"

Sarah turned around to find nobody revealing themselves. Could it be from Carson Simons?
Maybe he really did like her back. She could only do one thing and find out.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The bell for recess came and Sarah left her group of friends to inform Parker about the note.

"Hey,Parker!" Sarah said excitingly

"What's up?" Parker said

Sarah couldn't wait to tell him.

"So I opened my Locker this morning..and I found this note." Sarah pulled the small note from her pocket and began to read. After she had read,Parker was surprised.

"So you don't know who its from?" Parker asked.

"Well obviously not." Sarah answered

"Are you gonna find out?" Parker asked

"im going to try." Sarah said

Sarah was in 7th period ,which was the only class she had with Carson Simons. She went up to him before class started, and asked if he had something to do with the note.

"Did you happen to leave a note in my locker this morning?" Sarah asked

"What kind of note?" Carson said

"Like..Umm..a love note I guess?"Sarah said shyly

"Yeah actually. I kinda have a crush on you." Carson said.

"Oh. Well I kinda have a crush on you too." Sarah admitted

"Maybe you'd wanna go out sometime?" Carson asked

"Sure,um here's my number"

Sarah immediately grabbed a pen and paper and wrote adown her number. She was shaking so much that this became difficult for her. She had never thought that Carson Simons-The Carson Simons-would ever have the tiniest crush on her.

"There you go." Sarah said smiling with a smile that was bigger than the sun.

"Thanks,I'll try to call you tonight?" Carson asked

"Sure. " said Sarah

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