23: Day with the Bros

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With the sun squeezing through the curtains to shine its light in the room, Yoongi woke up with half the covers off of him and the sunlight flooding through his eyes. He groaned softly, shielding his eyes with his forearm and wanting to go back to sleep until he felt eyes on him.

He moved his arm down from his face, still shielding his eyes from the bright light to see Jimin sitting in a W position looking at him. Yoongi swore his breath was taken away the moment he saw the younger beside him.

Jimin had no pants on (probably took them off during the night), his black hair spread out in different angles and the sun was hitting his body perfectly, showcasing a golden shine around him that screams angel from above.

Yoongi's mouth was agape, he knew the boy didn't deserve to be in this world but he never thought he looked this ethereal. His staring took noticed, making Jimin blush a light pink shade across his cheeks.

Yoongi smiled. If I could, I would love to wake up to him every morning.

'Goodmorning Jiminie'

Jimin hides his face and nodded, turning his body away from Yoongi.

Yoongi had this big burst of confidence as he sat up and lean forward to Jimin, taking one of his wrists gently as if it was glass and pulled it away. Jimin looked at Yoongi and blushed even more furiously because of the close proximity.

'And you are hiding your face because?'

'You made me shy.'

Yoongi chuckled. He didn't know he had that effect over the boy.

'All I did was greet you silly. Anyone could have done the same.'

'You're different Yoongi.'

Now it was Yoongi's turn to blush a little but he refused to back down.

'And you're beautiful Jimin.'

It took a few seconds to register what he just said, well did, and his eyes went as big as the saucers. Jimin just softly giggled, a little bit of his voice coming out. Yoongi's heart sped up to at least 100 mph, even though it wasn't much but that quiet sound meant the whole world to him.

'Thank you and thank you for inviting me here. I'm sorry about last night, I don't know why I did that.'

'Don't explain yourself. It's okay, I'm not mad and of course. You are part of the group now.'

Jimin created the biggest eye smile he could mustered, beating the sun and Hoseok of who shines the most in the world and Yoongi just wanted to kiss him right then and there.

Mind: I dOn'T hAVe fEEliNGs fOR tHe bOY


Nah, I kind of live here.

Then kick rocks.

If I do, you won't have common sense or logic dumbass.

Ugh, what do you want?

Its obvious. Kiss him.

No! I can't. I don't know if he likes me. Too early, kissing, is too early, okay?

Whatever. I guess it wouldn't be smart since you don't even know if you fucking like the boy yourself.

Truly hate you.

Yoongi mentally slapped himself for having a conversation with his mind and pushed his thoughts to the back of his head. They was both still staring, Jimin still smiling and Yoongi still admiring the boy.

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