40: How It Started

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*Warning of verbal abuse*

Jimin didn't always became a punching bag or what his mother would call him: "a useless seed." He didn't always get disgusting words thrown at him or punches. He was actually loved and care for, got the nicest clothing and toys and was homeschooled throughout his pre-k and kindergarten before skipping a grade for being too smart, entering 2nd grade.

Jimin would never talk back to his parents, nor would he disrespect them. He would always follow instructions, do what he was told and did his chores perfectly. Even though he wasn't exactly planned, he was the perfect child, a child that every parent wanted.

So why did it go downhill to him getting abused? How did his parents became so prone to hating their only son?

Simple. His mother couldn't conceive anymore no matter how much they tried. She really wanted a girl for personal reasons that Jimin never understood but once it hit her she couldn't to have another baby, she took her anger out on her child.

"You was supposed to be a girl! Why on earth did I have to have you!?"

"You was a mistake in the first place! We kept you out of pity."

Sentences like those were on a daily after she received the news. It happened in 5th grade, the verbal abuse.

Jimin didn't know the reason why he was so mistreated. Why the mother that said she loved him kept spitting out words of venom to him like it was normal.

The teachers soon noticed the drastic change in Jimin's behavior, how quiet he has been, how he wasn't active in the group work or activities anymore. It was a bit peculiar to the staff but instead of asking if he was okay, they continued it on like it was nothing. Like he was just going through a phase.

"How come woo haffn't been talkin Chimmy?" Jimin's old best friend asked, kicking his feet in the sand as the two of them sat on a swing set. Recess was Jimin's favorite time of day, freedom he would call it.

"Don't feel like it." Jimin responded, looking out into the distance. He clung onto the chain of the swing like his life depended on it. Why was he so quiet here? This was his safe haven, a place where he doesn't have to hear his mother chew him out for just existing every hour.

He wonders how many people he made worried because of his sudden change of personality. He wonders how many people he have drove away because of his gloomy attitude.

"Hey punk!" A voice called out to the two of him.

Jimin and his best friend lifted their heads up to see two people in front of them, the bullies of the school is better described.

This was the first time Jimin has encountered the two. Usually he stays to himself or with a small group of people although he did get some nasty stares from them from time to time.

"Punk?" Jimin repeated. He was never called that before and his mother has called him lots of names.

"What happen to your happy mood huh? People finally got sick of your annoying butt?" the other dude beside him sassed, looking at the two of them with a distorted look on his face. Jimin didn't like that at all.

"Hey! Why do woo haff to be so mean?" Jimin's best friend spoke up, sliding out of his swing with a plop on the sand. His fists was tightly clenched by his side as he stood his ground. Jimin has never seen his friend like that before.

"Why do you have to butt in lisp face? Go play with the weirdos." The leader spat out, pointing to the group of boys playing in dirt in the back of the playground.

"So what I haff a lisp? I haff bether grades than woo!"  Jimin's friend shot back, sticking his finger out to the leader.

"At least I can speak properly."

"Leave Jeongguk alone and pick on someone your own size." Jimin fired, finally getting off the swing to stare at them in the eyes.

If there's one thing his mother taught him that stuck to him before she became mean, was to always look at your enemies straight in the eye. It lets them know that you aren't backing down without a fight.

"Ah, softie wants to talk now." The second kid said, smirking a bit.

"Because I have the right too. Got a problem with that?" Jimin asserted, putting his hands on his hips.

"You don't scare me punk."

Jimin took a step forward. "And you don't tell me what to do. Leave me and my friend alone. I am tired of you guys bull-"

He didn't even get the chance to finish his sentence before he was shoved harshly on the sand. God, did it hurt so much to him.

Jimin ears was ringing a little from the hard impact of the ground and his vision was a bit blurred but he was able to make up Jeongguk's voice and some sounds of shuffling. He hoped his best friend was okay. He hoped he didn't get hurt or hit.

"Chimmy? Chimmy! Are woo otay?" A voice called out to him. Jimin tried to nod, picking himself up as his ears slowly converts back to normal.

"I punthed one of them! It felt amazing!" Jeongguk cheered, pulling up Jimin by the arm.

"You.. You punched one of them?"

"Yeah! I don't why I did it but it juth happen! It's like I had a sutherpower."

Jimin chuckled, giving his best friend a big hug after he was able to stand up fully.

"Thank you Jeongguk. For sticking up for me."

"Of course! Friths forever right?"

Jimin met Jeongguk in 4th grade when he saw him alone at lunch. It was strange how he managed to snag a whole table to himself but nevertheless, he sat with him and has been friends ever since. Jimin's life has been more happier once he met him and Jeongguk's life has become less lonelier. To the both of them, the other was fresh breath of air.

Jimin lifted up his pinky finger for Jeongguk to link which he happily did.

"Friends forever."

Jimin never saw Jeongguk again after the 5th grade. 

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