You and Alastor walk into the clothing store, your still a bit shocked at the fact that you were able to just walk in, but you eventually shake it off and continue to walk the aisles looking at nice dresses.
Alastor looks at something on a rack, looks at you, and says, "This is perfect darling, come, take a look" He grabs a beautiful red dress and holds it up to you.
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You look at the dress in awe. "Wow Al, this is amazing!", you rub your fingers on the soft lace and silk. You go to a near by dressing room to try the dress on. You finish zipping up the back, and putting on the invisible straps. You turn to the long mirror, and admire yourself. "You look beautiful.." Says Alastor while peaking threw the curtain. You jump out of fright "DAMN IT AL!" You yell out of frustration. He shushes you and lets out a chuckle, "Your going to get us kicked out (Y/N)"
You giggle and push his head out of the dressing room. You take the dress off, and put it back onto it's hanger. Stepping out of the dressing room, you see Alastor patiently sitting on a bench, waiting for you. "I'm guessing it fits nicely," He says calmly. You nod your head in agreement. "You should get something to wear too" you say with enthusiasm. He sits there quietly, thinking, "Well, I suppose thats true.." he says quietly to himself.
After about 20 minutes of looking through the mens clothing aisles, Alastor stumbles apon a suit. It had a red over coat, a black vest, and a white undershirt, it almost reminded you of his actual suit, obviously it was a lot more modern, but it was still very classy, and matched him perfectly.
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Alastor has a worker from the store take the suit off the manniquin so that he can try it on. After about 5 minutes, he walks out of the waiting room in the suit. Your heart beats so hard, He looked amazing, it's as if it were made for him. "Woah.." you whisper to yourslf. "Your staring darling.." You immediatly look away, feeling embarrased. Alastor chuckles and walks over to you. "Oh I'm just messing with you sweetheart, I don't mind you looking, besides, I do look rather nice in this" He hugs you, and kisses your forehead. You being stubborn, try to act mad, but fail, and end up hugging him back.
You both were finished shopping, so Alastor calls over a worker nearby to see how much it will cost. "$4056.85" said the worker, giving you a glare. She most likely thought you wouldn't be able to pay, since you didn't exactly look like you had alot of money. Alastor quickly notices her giving you the stink-eye, and moves in front of you. "No problem madam" he reaches behind him, and does a quiet snap, which conjurs a wallet into his hand. He pays the women, and puts the wallet into his new coat pocket. He turns around and says, "Why don't you go put that dress back on now."
You and Alastor walk out of the store, you both had a bag in your hand containing your old clothes. "It's getting dark" you say while looking at the sky. Alastor checks a watch on his hand and says "Indeed it is, it's nearly 8 o'clock, Would you like to go to dinner?"