CHAPTER 23: At it again

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It was the next morning. You stepped out of your room and headed towards the kitchen. Everyone had woken up before you, they were drinking coffee, and eating breakfast. You go to the cabinet and grab a small pink mug, pour yourself a cup of coffee with a bit of creamer, and sit at the island counter. You listen in on the conversation that's going on between Charlie and Vaggie. "Charlie, we're almost out of milk, and we're totally out of flour, sugar, and bread" Charlie put her head on the table and groaned. "I know vaggie, I just don't have time." You tap on her elbow. "I can go Charlie, I'm free this afternoon" She shoots her head up, "(Y/n), I could never ask you to do that. Especially after what happened last time." You sigh, "Charlie, that was 4 months ago, I'm ok, I can do it, I'll be more careful this time, I swear!"  Charlie sighs, "Well, at least take Al with you" you nod in agreement, "We'll go later this afternoon" says Alastor putting his cup by the sink. He walks over to you and hugs you. "Good morning darling" He says in a sleepy voice. You tell him good morning back, put your cup in the sink, and head upstairs to get dressed. 

You put on your usual dress and slip-on heels. You curl your hair and put on a bit of makeup, You sit down and read your favorite book, (Fav book), You've read it almost a million times. It fell with you when you fell into hell. God was kind enough to give it to you, you weren't sure why though, You weren't special what so ever. why would god be kind to you? A phone call interrupts your thoughts. "Hello?" you say softly. "Hey (Y/n), I left the money for groceries on the counter in the kitchen, me and vaggie have to go talk to my father. we might be gone for a few hours." It was Charlie. "Alright! Thanks Charlie, see ya later" you say, and end the call. You hear a knock on your door. "Yes?" you call out.  The person opens the door. It's Husk, "Hey-uh, Niffty said lunch is ready" He stands in the doorway, but he didn't set a foot into your room. What a funny guy. You laugh. "Haha, thanks husk," He nods, and heads back downstairs, you follow shortly after.

                                                           2 hours later

You and Alastor went and bought groceries, and were wandering around the store. There was point where Alastor had to use the bathroom, and excused himself and left. While you were away, you found a very nice Lingerie set.

You bought it, and stuffed it into the bottom of the shopping bags, so you could surprise Alastor later

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You bought it, and stuffed it into the bottom of the shopping bags, so you could surprise Alastor later. You giggled with excitement, you've never owned Lingerie before, Especially some so lustful, You felt Beautiful already. 

Alastor returns, and you both head home. You got home harm-free, Charlie was happy at least, apparently the talk with her dad went well. You still didn't know what it was about, but you didn't ask since her dad is such a sensitive subject for her.

Angel helped put away groceries while everyone else was Preparing the dinner hall for the hotel guests. You finished putting all the gallons of milk in the fridge, when you hear a gasp from Angel dust. "Woah, woah, woah-ho-ho-hooooo" You turn to see him holding up the lingerie you had bought. You quickly grab it out of his hands and run to your room upstairs. "Oh no.." you say under your breath. You stuff it into your underwear drawer.  

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