Things are coming together (edited)

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Midoriya's POV-

A few days had passed since my call with All Might, a short explanation was all that was needed to convince him to help me get Melissa in to UA.

Even though he had agreed to help me, he still needed to talk it over with Principle Nedzu and the rest of the UA staff. Though that meant that the past few days had been filled with anxiousness and anticipation.

It was a cool summer night and the moon was high in the sky. The luminescent beams streaked in through the sliding glass door in my room, lighting up the dark room. I was laying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

My eyes drifted over to the clock that was on the shelf above my bed, I stared at the clock for a few moments. '10 pm.' I thought to myself as I let out a small sigh. No one had disturbed me the whole day while I was studying. It was nice that I could get my homework done, but it was lonely as hell the whole time.

I let out a small sigh as I sat up in my bed and looked around my room. 'I really need to start taking breaks and leaving my room while I study.' I thought to myself as I stood up and stretched a bit.

A calm silence settled over the room as I stood there and looked around for a few moments. "I wish All might would get back to me about what the principle said." I muttered, as my phone suddenly went off.

My eyes darted to my phone as I walked over to my desk. 'I wonder if that's Melissa.' I thought to myself, as I grabbed my phone and turned it on, only to be disappointed by the sight of a game notification, instead of a text message notification.

I let out a small sigh of disappointment as I stood there at my desk. 'Why do I feel so disappointed that it wasn't her?' I pondered the thought for a few moments before walking back over to my bed and laying down on top of it.

I placed my hands under the back of my head as I laid there, propping my head up while I stared at the ceiling. "In the short time I was on I-island, the two of us had gotten close to each other, but I didn't think we were close enough to where I'd be disappointed about not getting a text message." I muttered to myself, as I tried rationalizing why I felt that disappointment.

Anyone who walked past my room could probably hear my muttering through the door of the room, though that didn't really matter to me at the moment.

I was finally snapped out of my muttering rant, from the feeling of my phone buzzing against my chest. A hopeful smile formed on my lips as I picked my phone up to see that it was a message from Melissa.

'Hey Deku, sorry for taking so long to message you today, everything's been a bit of a mess with us trying to pack everything as fast as we can...Or at least the things that the island council is letting us leave with.' She said in her message.

A frown made its way onto my face as I got the feeling that the committee for the I-island, was trying to screw the Melissa and her father as much as possible.

'Hey Melissa, it's completely okay, I kind of figured things would be busy since you messaged me. I ended up talking to All Might, and he went and had a talk with Principle Nezu at some point today, though I'm not sure what the result of the meeting was, as All Might never sent me anything since I'd last talked to him.' I replied to her, before lightly setting my phone down on my chest.

Less than a minute had passed before I felt my phone buzz against my chest.

'That's great news, hopefully your Principle agrees and let's me attend UA. I'll be honest, since you and the rest of class 1-A left the island, I've been missing all of you, especially you Deku, it was really fun spending time with you while you were here!' Melissa replied to me.

My face started heating up as a blush slowly appeared on my face, I read the last part of her message over and over again as I laid there on my bed. I couldn't quiet grasp why my heart was beating as fast as it was from reading that simple phrase.

It took me a few moments to calm myself down, before I started typing off a response to her.

'I-I'm sure the P-Principle will l-let you into UA, he has no r-reason to d-deny someone as t-talented as yourself. I-If I'm being h-honest too, I-I've missed you as w-well since I left the island.' I replied in a slightly panicked and flustered manner.

'Holy crap, get a hold of yourself Midoriya!' I thought to myself as I laid there in my bed, a heavy blush present on my face as I stared at the ceiling and tried to calm myself down again.

My phone buzzed again, and when I turned my phone on and read the message, I could feel my mind shutting down in embarrassment as I reread the message one more time.

'I didn't know someone could stutter while typing, it's honestly kind of cute that you're able to Deku.' She replied, before finishing her message by sending a smiley face to me.

If anyone was watching me right now, they could more than likely see steam coming out of my ears, as my blush reached levels of brightness that shouldn't of even been possible.

From that point on, the rest of the night went by in a blur. The two of us spent a couple hours just talking, catching up, playing games, and generally poking fun at each other as we texted each other that night.

I had more fun talking to her in that one night than I've had in a long while, though I wasn't sure if that was because of what we were doing and talking about, or if it was because I was spending time with her. That question persisted in the back of my mind through the rest of the night, but I tried not to think about it too much.

Though, that question would come racing back to the forefront of my mind in the following days, forcing me to find an answer for it.

Hey everyone, I hope that all of you liked the second chapter of this story, It's one that I've been wanting to do for a while, and share with everyone here on Wattpad.

If any of you have comments or questions, don't hesitate to post them, I'd be happy to respond to them, and if you're looking for other stories, make sure to check out some of the other books I've written.

And as always, I'll see all of you in the next one.


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