The Arrival

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Midoriya's POV-

Before I knew it, a week had passed since I had told Melissa about her transfer to UA being approved. In that time, the two of us had grown closer to each other during our nightly talks, which eventually transitioned from texting and calling one another, to video calling each other during our nightly calls. Over the course of that week, I slowly came to realize that she was on my mind more and more with each passing day.

I was currently outside of my dorm, laying on the grass out front, with my hands under my head, propping me up as I laid there, with the warm glow of the sun washing over me.

'Training is usually my number one priority on days like today, but taking a day off once in a while like this isn't bad either.' I thought to myself as I laid there.

I felt the warmth of the sun suddenly disappear, and my body slowly get colder as I laid there. When I opened my eyes, I found a pair of eyes looking back at me.

"You seem to be enjoying your day off Midoriya." The person said.

I bolted up right from where I was laying, and scrambled to my feet. "M-Mr. A-Aizawa, I-I was just, just taking a break from t-training!" I stuttered out, flustered that he snuck up on me like that.

'I didn't even hear his footsteps, I guess that's a pro hero for you.' I thought to myself as I stood there.

Aizawa let out a sigh and shook his head. "Settle down Midoriya, I'm not here to check if you're slacking off, I'm here to bring you to the school, you have someone who's here to see you." Aizawa responded as he started walking down the path of the dorm.

'Someone here to see me? I wonder who could want to see me? It shouldn't be Melissa, she wasn't supposed to be here for another few days.' I thought to myself as I followed Aizawa down the path that led away from the dorm.

The walk to the school building was only five minutes, but the walk to the principles office once we were inside the school, was about 5-10 minutes. Aizawa led the way into the office soon after we entered the building, and the person I saw waiting for me inside,  was someone I hadn't been expecting to arrive yet.

She was the blonde scientist girl who I'd been talking to day in and day out for the past week and half.

Melissa's POV-

I was currently standing in the office of the UA principle, waiting for someone to arrive to the meeting. He wouldn't tell me who, so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about who they could be.

After a couple minutes of waiting, the door behind me finally opened, which was followed by the sound of a gruff and tired voice resounding through the room. "I brought him just like you asked Nezu." The man said, before he walked over to the nearby wall and leaned against it.

"Thank you Mr. Aizawa, I appreciate it." Principle Nezu replied.

I turned around to look at the person who we were waiting for, and was delighted to see that it was the green haired boy that I'd been talking to so much lately. I had to hold myself back from running over to him and giving him a hug. So instead I just smiled and nodded to him, as I attempted to hide my joy and excitment at him being here, before turning back to look at the Principle.

"Well now that Mr. Midoriya is here, we can get started." Principle Nezu said, a smile present on his lips as he spoke. "I would like to officially welcome you to UA high school Ms. Shield. I hope that you'll enjoy attending classes here, and that you'll be able to pick up where you left off with developing your support items. Now sadly, we do not have the kind of facilities that I-island did, but I assure you that we have the best facilities for support course students, this side of Japan." Principle Nezu told me, as his gaze continued to bore into me, almost like he was determining if I could make here at UA.

I brushed the thought aside as I smiled and respectfully bowed to him. "Even if there aren't as many facilities as I-island, I'll make sure to put what's here to the best use, and I whole heartedly appreciate you approving my transfer to UA." I responded in a respectful, yet cheerful tone.

Principle Nezu nodded before hopping off of his seat, and walking around his desk to continue speaking to me. "I'll be looking forward to what you make while you're part of the support course Ms. Shield. On that note though, since there aren't a lot of students in the support course this semester, we'll be having you stay in the first year support course dorm, which would be dorm 1-H." Principle Nezu said, before letting his gaze drift over to Midoriya, who was standing to the left of me.

"That's where you come in Mr. Midoriya, since I have matters to attend to elsewhere, I will not be able to show Ms. Shield to her dorm. And siince you two know each other, I figured it would be best for you to show her to her dorm, and then get her acquainted with the campus and its facilities." Principle Nezu explained to him.

Midoriya nodded as his green eyes darted over to me for a couple seconds as I smiled at him, hoping that he'd agree to show me around the school. "I-I would be happy to show her to her d-dorm, and around the campus, P-Principle Nezu." He stuttered out.

I saw the soft blush on his face as he spoke, and I let out a soft giggle. Midoriya's eyes darted over to me again, and I watched his blush grow even more.

Principle Nezu nodded to Midoriya. "Thank you for agreeing to help Mr. Midoriya." He said, before returning his gaze to me.

I had stopped giggling a few moments later, before he continued talking. "Well, there you have it Ms. Shield, you may head to your dorm now. Your boxes should be waiting for you in your room already." Principle Nezu told me.

I nodded to him as I bowed once more. "Thank you Principle, I greatly appreciate it." I said to him as I stood there.

Principle Nezu smiled and nodded to me. "You're very welcome Ms. Shield, you and Mr. Midoriya can take your leave now." He replied, before walking back around his desk, and hopping onto his seat.

I nodded and looked over to Midoriya, and found him smiling back at me as he gestured for me to follow him. "C-Come on M-Melissa, I'll show you where your dorm is." He told me, while a small blush was present on his face.

I followed Midoriya out of the office and a little ways down the hall, before he finally turned to me to start talking to me. Before he could utter a word, I quickly closed the distance between the two of us and wrapped my arms around him.

I smiled softly as I hugged him. "It's good to see you again Deku, and I told you I'd end up giving you a hug." I said in a gentle whisper, as I looked down into his green eyes.

A blush slowly spread across my face as I stood there with my arms wrapped around him. and before I knew it, he had wrapped his arms around me and started hugging me back, while the blush on my face only intensified. "I-It's g-good to see you again too M-Melissa." He stuttered out, as he looked up at me.

I noticed I had been hugging him for a few seconds too long, as I quickly let go of him and smiled sheepishly, before letting out a cough. "Ahem, sorry about that Deku... Shall we go to the support course dorm now?" I tentatively asked, hoping my embarrassment wasn't too noticeable.

"Y-Yeah of c-course, let's get going." He stuttered back in response, before turning and leading the way out of the school.

Midoriya's POV-

'Oh god, if this is how flustered I get from a simple hug, then how am I gonna handle being around her so much.' I pondered to myself as I led the way towards her new home.

I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter, it was a fun one to write, and I've been enjoying writing these chapter lately, lately my classes have been kicking the crap out of me, so it's been tough to find time to write this past week.

So, when I get the chance, I'll be updating all of my stories, and possibly starting a new my hero one, so look forward to that.

If you have any comments or questions, don't hesitate to post them, I'd be happy to answer them.

And as always, I'll see all of you in the next chapter.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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