Coming to Terms (edited)

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Midoriya's POV-

Since I moved into the dorms with the rest of my class, I found that the best part about waking up early, was that no else was awake yet. No screaming, and no one trying to blow my face up, it was just a nice and quiet morning. I honestly wished that I had more mornings like this.

I just finished having an apple from the fruit bowl in the kitchen, before quickly changing into my workout clothes.

I headed out the front door of the dorm, but was stopped in my tracks when I found All Might standing on the other side.

It took me a second to recover from my surprise, before I finally spoke. "All Might? What are you doing here so early in the morning?" I questioned, curiosity present in my voice as I spoke.

All Might bore his trademark smile as he raised his hand, preventing me from asking the many questions that I may have had for him. "Well young Midoriya, I knew you would be the only one up this early, and I was looking to speak to you, it's in regards to Melissa's transfer to UA." He responded.

A small smile made its way onto my face as I looked up at All might in anticipation. "So, did the Principle approve her transfer to UA?" I asked him.

All Might let out a loud laugh, before giving me a thumbs up. "Of course he did young Midoriya, Melissa is a woman of extreme talent, even if she doesn't have a quirk that she can use." All Might replied.

The smile on my face grew even larger as I felt the anxiousness and anticipation melt away, before being quickly replaced with excitement and joy. "That's amazing, thank you All Might, I really appreciate you helping out with all of this! Did he say when she was going to be coming, or when she would be starting here?" I asked him.

A cheeky grin made its way onto All Might's face. "Oh ho ho, young Midoriya, you seem exceptionally eager for Melissa's transfer to UA, is there perhaps another reason why you want her to come to UA?" All Might inquired.

My heart started to rapidly beat as I panicked and looked for a way out of answering the question. "Oh, wouldn't you know it, I'm late to go and train, so I'll be taking my leave. Thanks for the news All Might, I'll talk to you as soon as I'm back from classes today, bye!" I said as I activated One For All: Full Cowling.

I blasted past All Might moments later with the speed granted from Full Cowling. I made sure to get some distance between myself and the dorm before he could respond or even try to stop me from leaving.

Within a few seconds I was down the front walkway and running away from the 1-A dorm. I passed many of the other dorms as I kept running, before eventually coming to a stop in front of one of the second year dorms.

"That should be enough distance between myself and the dorm." I muttered to myself as I allowed myself to catch my breath.

While I finished catching my breath, I pulled my phone out and shot a message off to Melissa, while I walked over to one of the benches outside the second year dorm and sat down.

'Hey Melissa, good news! Your request to transfer into UA's support course was approved by the Principle, I can't wait for you to get here and finally be attending UA with me.' I told her in the message.

It only took a few moments to get a response from Melissa, while I sat there on the bench outside the second year dorm. 'Jeez that was fast.' I thought to myself as I looked at the message she sent.

'Hey Deku, that's awesome, I'm so happy that the Principle agreed to let me attend! If I was there right now, I'd hug you!' She said in her message.

I read the message a few more times as my face started heating up a little. The thought of her hugging me sent my heart a flutter. 'W-Well, I w-wouldn't turn d-down a hug from you if you d-did.' I responded.

Only a few moments had passed before my phone buzzed again. when I opened it up I saw that she had already sent a message back. 'Well then, when I see you I'll make sure to give you a hug. Thank you again Deku, I'm gonna go and tell Papa the good news.' She replied to me.

I leaned back and let my head rest against the back of the bench, as a smile slowly made its way onto my face, the rising sun slowly warmed my body as I sat there.

My gaze slowly drifted around my surroundings, as my mind slowly wandered.

'Why am I always so happy when I'm talking to her and texting her?' I thought to myself. 'What do I think of when I think of Melissa?' I pondered.

I closed my eyes and envisioned the way her eyes lit up whenever she talked about something she was passionate about, and her drive to do the right thing and help others around her. I thought of the way she snickered and giggled when she made a crappy joke, and how beautiful she looked when she smiled.

Whenever I thought about her, I found myself smiling. My heart would beat a bit faster than before, and I would lose focus of whatever else was going on. She was always on my mind, even when I was in class or training. I would find my thoughts drifting to her regardless of the situation. She was on my mind more than Uraraka had been when I was still crushing on her.

I slowly opened my eyes back up as I sat there on that bench, as I finally realized what I had been feeling for the past couple days.

"Well....Crap." I muttered to myself as I stood up and stretched a bit, before I started running down the path again.

"I have a crush on her." I muttered to myself as I jogged back to the 1-A dorm, opting to cut my morning workout short, so I could wrap my head around this realization.

One final thought entered my mind, before I started focusing on my jog again. 'If I have a crush on her..then how am I going to act when she's here in person?' I pondered to myself as I jogged back to the dorm.

Hey everyone, sorry for taking so long to update this story again, I hope you've all been enjoying it so far, I've been enjoying writing about the two of them. I plan to start another shipping story soon as well, so be looking forward to that.

If you have any comments or questions, don't hesitate to post them at all, hopefully I'll be updating the story soon again, so look forward to it.

And as always, I'll see all of you in the next chapter.


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