Ch. 2 Schmerzstadt Waltz

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I woke to the smell of eggs and bacon, it felt nostalgic in a way... I got up and approached the closet, grabbing the same soot covered shirt I wore yesterday, I opened my door and left the room, shutting the door behind me, I walked down the hallway and stopped at the bathroom, opening the door and stepping in. I proceed to use the bathroom, and wash my hands along with my face. I step out of the bathroom and continue my way down the hallway. As I entered the kitchen/living room I plop onto the couch and turn on the television, 3 days ago - when I first arrived - is when I first began learning to read and write german, with the help of Ingrid, ofcourse... "Breaking News! Known Terrorist Niko Hewser has been apprehended! Tune in at Noon to see his Execution!" shouted the TV as it showed a picture the man that led me here, I heard the shattering of a plate and Ingrid rushed towards me, grabbing my hand and leading me to her room, she opened the door and rushed to the back of her room, it didn't smell as i would have expected a woman's room to be, i stood there with a blank stare at Ingrid, she opened a small hatch in her floor and jumped down, "Come on Berthold!" She hollered up to me, I jumped in after her and landed on the floor below us, and - I'm assuming - next to the bar. It was pitch black until i heard the flick of a switch and the lights turned on, inside that room was a whole arsenal of rifles, pistols, and more!

She walked to the wall and grabbed a Sturmgewhr off of it, shoving it into my hands. I tap her shoulder and pull out my pad, beginning to write. 'Was ist das alles? Warum hast du so viele waffen ...?(What is all of this? Why do you have so many weapons...?)' She looks at me, "If you could guess, we are going to the capitol...", 'Warum?(Why?)' I write back, "We have to save him, he saved you... Or do you not remember?", 'Nein, ich erinnere mich nicht und ich bezweifle, dass ich jemals ...(No, I dont remember, and i doubt i ever will...)' She looks away and walks to a large garage door near the back of the building, "Too bad, come on now..." I follow reluctantly as she lifts the garage door, and puts a screwdriver in the railing to prop it open. As we get outside I see a large bike like vehicle with no wheels:

She gestured for me to get on, "It was yours, so go on!" she said, If this was mine, why does she have it now...? While I was thinking this all over she grabbed my hands and pulled me over to the seat, i climbed on and twisted the key which was in the ignition. The bike roared to life, lifting off the ground about 6 inches, Ingrid jumped on and sat behind me. This all felt normal to me, but i don't know why... anyways, we began to speed through the skies towards the Capitol, Schmerzstadt...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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