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Should I😬??

Naw y'all would be a power couple don't do it to him..

He right..

Hate to agree but he right...


Man any other time I wanna pimp someone y'all down for it now y'all telling me I can't pimp GLOKOO??😒

Y'all gone be end game so don't do it!

And that's that!!

2 people liked "And that's that!!"

Man w.e ion even see tha man like that🙄

Not yett😉

😂😂 ok sure not ever.. but why we texting and we all sitting in the same room..

I forgot y'all was texting this movie good but we was texting cause Gloko is here too

😂 I forgot he was here

I looked up and they all was looking at me like I was slow cause he was laying on my lap

I started laughing only for Gloko to look up and mug me.

"Shut that shit up"

"Shut up or you won't be going to sleep tonight"

"Say some else" he said

I chuckled and got up and sat by sat by Ray.

"You being real petty"

"That's my middle name" I winked

They laughed and we watched the movie.

Ig he thought I was playing cause when I was going to sleep he came in my room and layed down on me.

"I was serious" I got up and went in Chazz room

"Can I lay in here"


We went to sleep but in the middle of the night I woke up in my room with Gloko on me so I couldn't get up and he was peacefully sleeping.

I rolled my eyes and sent an SOS message to the group chat so they can come help me less then 30 secs they was all at my door.

"What's the emergency" Ace said

"Get him off of me I clearly told him he wasn't sleeping tonight and got me out my sleep to trap me"

"I'm deaddd" Chazz laughed

"And you probably let him" I mugged him

"I sure did"

"Ion like you and help me get him off of me"

They laughed and got him off of me and I saw he was waking up so I darted to his room and looked the door.

When I was in his room I saw it was nice asl I never been in her he always been in my room.

"Cmon Mute I'm tired and you playing"

"Leave me alone and yo room nice asl"

"Ok let me in"

"Naw I'm coo I think ima lay down"

"If Youn come out ima post a picture of me and you and tell the people I'm yo bf an-"

Before he can finish that sentence I zoomed out the room.. I was in the middle of trying on his sweaters so I only had some nike pros on and one of his big ass sweaters

"Don't do no stupid shit like that"

"Why you got my sweater on" he mugged me

"Boy hush you know I look cute"

"Naw you look sexy" he attempted to mumble but I heard him


"Bro why tf you did dat" mugged me

"HE DO" Chazz ran while the others followed

"Yea I came out the room and he was like why you got on my sweater and I was like I look cute and he tried to mumble Naw you look sexy" I said instigating

"Mmcht shut the hell up" he mushed my head

"Don't get mad cause you can't get this"

"Say who" he furrowed his eyes at me

"Says me" I winked and attempted to walk off but he had different plans

He pulled me back and pinned me against the wall and atp they was all looking at me the boys was looking like this was an action movie and Gloko was looking at me like he was finna devour me.

"I will have yo ass in there screaming my name like it's no tomorrow.. try me if you want to" he whispered, ear brushing his lips upon my ear.

W E T...

It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Well umm that's are que to go" Ace said and everyone followed him out

"Why would you do that" I mugged him

"Cause you playing on my top" he said laying on his bed

"Very irritating"

"Ik but come lay down I'm tired"


As we laying down he finds his way down to my Nike pros and rub my ass Ian saying nun cause Ian really care BUT then he put his hand in my panties and cup fat ma in his hand and then dozed off.



"Why the hell yo hand in my pants"

"Because that's where My hand wanted to be now hush for I sit you on my face"

"You being awfully freaky my guy"


Ig he was sleep cause I heard light snores.

And I was just staring at him...

He looked down at me and smirked then grabbed my face and pecked my lips a few times.

I smirked and layed down on his chest.

The next morning I acted like nothing happened.

"We going to the trap today or no" I asked

"Naw we going tomorrow but what happened last nighttt" Chazz exclaimed

"We went to sleep"

"Why you lying something else happened"

"No it didn't"

"Yo bf still sleep"

"That's not my boyfriend ion even like him like that he coo or whatever but that's big homie" I said laying back and when I did that I saw Gloko looking at me and then he mugged me and left

Ion know who got his panties in a bunch but he needs to cool it.

"Welp let's get this day started" I said as I sparked up my blunt



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