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"Whas yo problem" I said to Gloko


"Mmcht I'm not finna kiss yo ass so it either you tell me what's wrong or I go bout my business"

"Tell me now before I get attached to you.. do you like me or ...."

"Idk" I mumbled

"Well you need to come up with a answer" he got up and walked away

"Wth did I get my self into" I said to myself

I think I like him but him putting me on the spot like that ain't it...


Me: Gloko Come back in here

Pistol🥰🖇: I'm at the store but what you want?

Me: From the store? Oh well get me a sprite and jolly ranchers

Pistol🥰🖇: girl I wasn't talm bout from the store but iight...

Me: ok when you get back I wanna talk to you

'Pistol🥰🖇' liked 1 message

"Ian good at expressing my feelings so bear with me ok" I said to Gloko

He got back from the store 5 minutes ago and he just came into my room.


"Ok I .. think I like you but idk"

"You think?"

"Yea idk but.. Mmcht" I huffed

"Ok well you figure out what's going on with you and hit me up later" he walked out

"Why is he making the so harddd" I whined to myself

Ykw eff it ion need him i was ok before.

I walked into the living room and everyone was in there.

I sat on a couch by myself and turned on some rod wave. I will blast him anytime of the day no matter how I'm feeling.

I turned on Rod Wave Popular Loner.

And sparked up my blunt and layer back listening to the music.

Until I went to another planet.

This time it was different it was light before I was met with a small figure.

"Heyy peanut"


"Whatchu doing"

"Well I'm so sorry peanut I left you everything.. but I want you to know I'm sorry that I left you i didn't mean to I love you so much I wi-"

"WTF" I yelled

"What's wrong with you" they all looked at me

"Give me another blunt" I said while clenching my jaw


I started smoking and I was trying to be layed back but I couldn't for some reason I couldn't focus.

"FUCK" I yelled

"Calm down and tell us what's happening"

I wasn't listening to them I was tryna find my phone.

I found my phone and called his phone. He didn't answer the first time I called a second time he didn't answer.... I called a third time ........

He answered.


"Wassu peanut" he sounded like he was sleep


"Home I just got up"

"Ok umm leave the house rn"

"Why what's wrong"

"Dad just le-" I was cut off by the sound of gunshots

"DA" I yelled

"I love you peanut" he said barely above a whisper

I felt my eye start to sting...

"No You can't leave me... Da!"

I disconnected the call.

I grabbed 2 Guns , 2 blunts, some pills and a dirty sprite.

"Where you going with all that and what the hell happened" Ray said grabbing some guns and following me

I was walking out the door and I heard guns load up from behind me.

I jumped in the Escalade they all got in behind me.

I put on a mask and so did they.

Something felt wrong about today but I pushed it to the side and then that day dream.

I could have prevented it it's my fault I'm all alone.. she said everyone was going to leave...

I passed my house and saw some one with a ski mask on and he was outside on the phone. I rolled my window down and emptied a clip on him.

I road off and headed to the beach.

We headed to the beach and I took off my ski mask and my gloves and got out the car with my dirty sprite and my 2 blunts and sat on the trunk.

I downed my dirty sprite and smoked my blunts..

"I love you da" I whispered before getting in the car..

They all stared at me.

"He gone.. and it's all my fault" I sighed and started the car

"Mmcht don't say that Breyonna that's not yo fault" Ray hugged me

I hugged him back but I ignored what he said.

I headed back home and didn't say a word to nobody. They all went to there room and I sat on the couch in deep thought..

I felt something was off.. and ignored it I felt it with both of them and I IGNORED IT!!

"It's not yo fault" I heard from behind me

It was Gloko.

"But it was you don't understand when my mother died I felt something was off and I felt that tge day she died and I felt that same thing today but then when I started smoking he told me he left me everything and he sorry he left me some more shit and I kept tryna smoke more to see what else he wanted to say and when I finally called him he got shot on the phone"

"But even if he got out on time they would have still came for him you can't cheat death for 2 long"

He grabbed me and hugged me.

He sat me on the counter and hugged my waist some more.

I lifted his head up and grabbed his chin and pecked his lips.. multiple times.

"I like you" I said

"Mm I like you too" he pecked my lips again before just looking into my eyes

"Who hurt you" he asked still looking in my eyes...

"So many people" I felt my eye start to sting again and before they could fall I hurried up an whipped them away

"You can cry in front of me i won't judge you cause I know how that feel.. Ian have nobody I did this by myself i got sold to a drug dealer just so my mom can buy crack her ass dead now I never knew my father I got beat all and I almost got molested but I told myself I rather die then have that happen to me so I shot him right in the head and that was all before the age of 13.. it's so much more that you don't know about me and I'm willing to tell you if you willing to tell me who hurt you" he said still looking in my eyes..



And that night they stayed up till Morning and still they talked and talked until the boys got up and saw them there staring into eachothers eyes.


This Chapter is Really Dramatic💀🤺

By the ways that emoji is my favorite one>> 🤺

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