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"IM READDYYY TO DIEEEEEEEEEEEE" I yelled getting outta bed

"Tf you yelling and what you say" Ace said

"Hey brother ..but I said I'm ready to die" I layed back down

"Why would you say that and what was your point of getting outta bed just to get back in"

"W.e" I said scrolling through my contacts seeing who to bother.

I finally decided on to mess with Dasani.

"Whats up" she answered

"Put your face in the camera"I mugged her

"Your face not even in the camera" she mugged putting her face in the camera

"Holon... where you at"

"Me and the boys went to the mall we in the car rn"

"Ohh lemme mute you real quick"


I muted her and sat my phone down so it can face the ceiling

"Aye Ace" I whispered


"You wanna play a prank on them"


"Ok so when I get back on the phone I want you to jump on the bed then lay yo head on my chest and make yo voice kinda raspy and say 'I'm ready for round...12' Ite"

"Uu want me to die.. cmon" he sighed

I laughed and grabbed my phone and took my self off mute

"Ok I'm back"


"Ok where y'all at rn"

"We pulling up to Wendy's"

"Ouu get me a biggie bag make sure they put extra nuggets in there and make my drink a Strawberry lemonade Ouu and make sure they give me sweet and sour sauce with barbecue "

When I finished my sentence Ace jumped on the bed and Dasani head turned to the camera so fast.. can you say Whiplash.

"Cmon mamas I'm ready for round 12" he layed on my chest

When he said that I saw everybody face in the camera

"ROUND 12!?? Bitchh I seee youu" Dasani said but i hung up so quick

We both busted out laughing

'HoeMyGod my sister is a whore' I heard jay voice

'Ian no whore bitch' I mugged the air

"What's wrong with you fuck you mugging for" Ace mugged

"My fault I just thought abt some" I laughed

"Call them back and tell them bring me some to eat too"

I called them back and when she answered she was signaling me not to say nun crazy so I had to say some.

"Bitch why you got this big a dildo in yo drawer" I yelled at her

"Don't fucking lie I told you not to say nun stupid and you did anyway.. I'm sorry sir my sister got ADHD" she told somebody

"Whatever Ace said get him some to eat to"

"What he want"

"Get him a foe fa foe and make the drink a strawberry lemonade also"

"Ok and stay on the phone so I can tell you what's tea" she side eyed me and did the conceited face

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