What to do

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Tracey would be lying if she said it had never crossed her mind to have a fling. There was a time before she knew the real Micheal,that she considered having it with him. One thing she knew for sure was that she loved her husband but she was lonely, she was bored and she wanted to feel that fire.

She loved being a married woman,knowing who her man was; where her home was but she most definitely thought that it would be more exciting. Maybe she watched too much movies or read too much romance novels. She wanted the surprises, the love making, the presents the romantic dinners

Tracey sighed, " stop dreaming my love this is your life now, stop dreaming for another ,otherwise you will be forever disappointed. At that moment her phone rang. It was her husband. Tracey picked it up off the car seat next to her. Hello hun, what's up? I was asking you to buy a pack of razor on your way home for me please.

It was a lucky thing that she did not pass the supermarket yet,in fact she was coming right up on it. She drove in the car park and parked,remove her hand bag and head for the door. She was trying to put her keys in her bag when she heard someone called her name. Tracey, Tracey Miller is that you?

She stopped and looked up and saw her boss from Project International,where she was an accountant three years ago. He looked just as fabulous as he did then,if not more so. Mr Grant? Wow it's so good to see you,how are you? I am well
You? I am doing good I replied. Well it was good to see you Tracey. Yeah I replied, it was good to see you too and they smiled at each other.

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