Chapter 8🍷 He's a little Too Cozy

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I might have some grammar/spelling errors because I'm a lazy ass person and I don't care to reread through my chapters. Bear with me please

     Like Naomi asked, Todoroki stayed in the room and waited patiently for her to fall asleep. Once he knew she was in a deep slumber, he double checks to make sure the nightlight is on and walks over towards the door. He closes it behind himself gently and just stands there. It was close to being 12 am and he had no clue where Midoriya could be. Honestly he was surprised as to why he cared, it was obvious that the greenette had some business with some dangerous people. But deep down Todoroki worried about his wellbeing.

"I really don't wanna stress myself over that bastard", he whispers. He heads down the hall in silence until his phone buzzes. He quirks a white brow and fishes for his phone. The name on the screen makes him smile since he hadn't heard from her in a long time. He slides the call button to answer. "Hey Momo."

     "Shouto! Oh my god I'm so glad you answered! Are you okay?"

     "Y-Yeah. I'm cool."

    "Mina told me that you got fired from the office and then you moved in with your ex, which–let me remind you, in Tokyo. The place you moved out of to get away from everyone. Shouto, that's not a good idea!"

Todoroki hums as he sits down on the couch. He tilts his head back on the couch. "I know. I know, it may also not be good for my mental health. But we made a deal." He was sure he heard Yaoyorozu sigh dramatically as she sat down on her bed.

     "And what would that deal be", she asked in a strained voice.

      Todoroki sighs himself. "We stay here for six months and if I'm comfortable....I tell Naomi that he's her dad."

     "Christ", Yaoyorozu hisses, "Sho, If you were having troubles then you could've just called me and asked to live with me. There are PLENTY of rooms here at the mansion."

     "Momo, I wasn't going to bother you about my problems. Plus, Midoriya said if I still didn't feel comfortable being with him then we'd come back to Osaka and he's help get us into a better apartment."

      " don't know how hard I wanna strangle you."

      Todoroki couldn't help the laugh that elicited from his mouth. "Yeah. I get that, but I'm a big boy. I can handle myself."

     "I'm not saying that you can't–I'm just worried."

"....I know." Todoroki raises his head up and looks over at the burning wood in the fireplace. "I gotta get going...I'll talk to you when I can."

Yaoyorozu hums, "I understand. But don't be afraid to call, modeling can be very hectic but it isn't that important. You are important to me. Aoyama feels the same way too."

"Hehe, I know....good night."


Todoroki could feel warmth all around him. It was close, very close. As if someone were holding him tight to keep him from freezing. He opens his eyes lazily since he didn't want to wake up. When he was met with someone's chest, the warmth became a little unbearable as his cheeks turn red. He looks up to see Midoriya sleeping soundly. His arm wrapped around his waist while his elbow rested on the pillow, head propped in his hand. "Midoriya! What the hell are you doing in my room!?"

The said man groans and his grip tightens. Todoroki squeaks since he was being crushed now. "Mmmm! Mid–Izuku! Let go you bastard! Uwah!" Midoriya turns on his back, both arms now around his body. He peeks one eye open and a mischievous smirk turns up on his face. "G'morning to you too babe." Todoroki sits up and glares down at Midoriya. "When we agreed on living under the same roof that didn't mean you could get cozy with me so soon!"

"Aww, but you looked so fucking peaceful. By the way you look good in the position~."

Todoroki pinches his brows in confusion until he looks down. He was straddling the mafioso's hips. His hands rested on Midoriya's chest, his shirt unbuttoned which allowed his tan skin to be revealed. "Are you thinking about something Shouto~?"

     "I'm thinking about beating your ass", Todoroki growls.

     "Not likely."

      "Wha? You think I can't?"

     "Sorry sweetness, but I can't see you doing something like that."

      Todoroki cast his eyes down to the pocket knife in Midoriya's slacks. He grabs it and flicks it open before sinking the blade into the pillow Midoriya laid on. The silver metal was just inches away from his head. Todoroki narrowed his eyes and leans in close. "I may seem easy, but I'm not. I won't hesitate to kill anyone that would cause harm to me and my baby." Venom was laced in his voice. His gorgeous eyes burned holes into Midoriya's soul. Yet he didn't flinch, oddly enough he found this whole predicament sexually arousing. "Wow, scary."

     Todoroki sighs and bows his head down in frustration. "I so hate you right now." Midoriya laughs and grips the bicolored man's hips. "I don't think you hate me. You're just confused."

"I am not confused."

"Says you." Midoriya sits up suddenly. Todoroki yelps as his hands fail to grip his shoulders quickly. Instead he just drapes them over his shoulders and gasp when their noses bump. He nibbles his lip softly at the close proximity and looks away from the intense gaze. Midoriya shifts a bit, accidentally grinding up into the shorter male. Todoroki mewls and rest his head on his shoulder. His nails dig into his palms. "Did someone like that~?"

"Y-you did that on purpose", Todoroki murmurs.

"Maybe. Maybe not."


     The door is barged open and a flash of red zooms through, jumping in the bed right after. "Morning Mama and Midoriya-san!" Naomi wraps her arms around their necks and hugs them close. "Good morning princess! Did you sleep well", Midoriya asks. He was able to make the whole situation look less awkward. The blankets were bunched between them to hide any.....problems. Midoriya kisses the top of her head and lightly pinches her chin. "Can you wait downstairs with Denki for me and mommy?"

     "But I wanted to walk down there with him", Naomi whines as she leans onto his arm.

     "We'll be down there in a bit", Todoroki insists, "just give us a minute and I'll make your favorite." The little child's green eyes sparkle as she gasps. "Okay!" She scurries off of the bed with a thud and runs out of the room. Her loud squeaky voice is heard from down the hallway. The two men sit there in silence, stuck in the same position they messily ended up in earlier. Todoroki turns his head away from the door and smile at Midoriya. "You kissed Naomi's head. So cute~."

     Midoriya blushes, "d-don't I have a right to do that?" The other man holds his chin in his hand as if he were actually contemplating his words. "Maybe. Maybe not."

      "How dare you use my words against me."

      "Karma's a bitch."

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