Prologue🍷 Shame

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This takes place when Midoriya and Todoroki are in their third year of high school

Warning! Smut & slight angst!

      Todoroki walks up the hallway of the school, alone to indulge in a book he was soon to finish. It was always like this, he didn't have any friends. People thought he was weird so they kept their distance. Even when they tried to talk to him he always gave them the cold shoulder. I don't need anyone. I'm fine by myself. That's what he always told himself. Yes, he got lonely and wouldn't mind anybody to talk to him. It's just hard to talk to others that aren't his family.

     He turns to his left and heads up the stairs. He liked to be there during lunch since the cafeteria was much to loud for his taste. Close to the roof, Todoroki sits down on the step and flips to the next page. Stuck in the world of mythology, a voice calls out to him, disturbing his peace. "I thought that was you." Todoroki jumps at the baritone voice.

He looks down to see a boy with messy curls of green hair and matching green colored eyes. Immediately he recognized him as Izuku Midoriya. He was pretty popular when it came to being the topic in the latest gossip. Some rumors were about him being in some sort of gang. Others were about him hooking up with different girls and dumping them as soon as he was done fooling around with them.

     But the ones he's heard the most (and in fact wasn't a lie) was about Midoriya selling illicit drugs to students. Even going as far as giving some to a few teachers and the principal. Todoroki did everything in his power to avoid Midoriya, but he seemed to be the only person that would try to talk to him.

     "Wh-What do you want?" Damnit! Me and my stuttering! Midoriya smirks as he sits near the boy's feet. "I saw you leave the cafeteria", he admits, "so I thought I'd follow you to see where you would go."


      "Easy, I'm not a creep. I'm just concerned."

      Todoroki lets out a dry laugh as he snaps his book shut and sets it to the side. He crosses his right leg over the left and leans back a bit on his arms. The look in Midoriya's eyes didn't go unnoticed, it was like he was undressing him carefully to not miss any details on his body. "Well", Todoroki says, "now that you've found my hiding place I have to go somewhere else. Happy?"

      "Should I be?"

       "I honestly don't give a fuck."

       Midoriya hums in delight as he lets his body relax against the paint chipping bars. "I didn't take you for someone feisty. I quite like it." His eyes were closed, allowing Todoroki to count the immense amount of freckles dusting his cheeks without being noticed. Suddenly he opens his right eye, smirking as Todoroki's cheeks become ruddy. The half and half haired male stands up and collects his book. The presentably unfriendly greenette cooed disappointedly at the fact the androgynous male left so soon. "Where ya headed", he asks with a sickeningly sweet tone.

"Away from you", Todoroki says in a-matter-of-fact way.

"Aww don't be so harsh doll. We were having great chemistry~!"

Todoroki didn't understand why his face decided to become really hot and red. Midoriya was DEFINITELY not making him blush. "Go away!" He was soon out of eyesight from Midoriya, going down the hall while he uses the book as a fan. By that time the bell rings, signaling that students should be heading to their designated class by now. Midoriya snickers, dangling earrings clinking softly against each crescent charm.

"Such a tsundere~."


It's been almost six months since Midoriya attached himself to Todoroki, note that the short boy didn't like this at all. Todoroki tried to keep his distance away from Midoriya but the latter would just discover a way to find him and stick by his side. After the many failed attempts of trying to get rid of him he gives up and allows Midoriya to tag along when he got the chance. Recently though, whenever Midoriya isn't around he finds himself saddened by the feeling, even going as far as to try to find him himself.

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