Introducing The Dex!

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"Alright, so let's review everyone's move sets before we begin! Has anything changed aside from Jade evolving?"

Everyone answered no. Great! So everyone still had the same move sets. Vaporeon had aurora beam, aqua ring, wish, and heal bell. Flareon had quick attack, facade, flare blitz, and superpower. Jolteon had thunderbolt, volt switch, weather ball, and pin missile. Espeon has psychic, dazzling gleam, shadow ball, and trick. Umbreon had foul play, moonlight, helping hand, and snarl. Leafeon had sunny day, solar beam, leaf blade, and swords dance. And of course, Jade's move set had hardly changed. It hadn't really had any time to change after all, so it remained disarming voice, baby-doll eyes, quick attack, and tackle.

"You and Jade should try to learn swift next! It's such a better move than tackle!" Eve smiled, speaking to Pearl while the eeveelutions (plus Amaryllis) practiced together.

"What level will Jade learn that one at?" Pearl asked.

"Should be level 20, right?" I asked. I glanced at my team, having most of my girls, Cinderace, and Greninja out of their cards, and they shrugged.

"Probably doesn't help my type disadvantage, but I know little to nothing about fairy types." Greninja said and fixed his eyes on the eeveelution themed performance again.

"Yeah, me either. And I don't even have a disadvantage!" Cinderace nodded. He seemed less interested in the performance.

"It should be level 20." A voice came from behind us. We spun around to see Professor Trillium standing behind us. "What level is Jade at right now?"

"I'm not sure." Pearl replied. "Is there a way to check between learning moves?"

"Why, yes there is!" The professor smiled and held out her hand to us. "You all have your phones on you, right? May I see them?"

I was the first person to hand over my phone, followed by Eve who was naturally trusting, and Pearl. Pearl was a bit more nervous about it since she didn't really know the professor at all, but her sister had apparently known her. I saw Professor Trillium all the time when I went to the lab with Greninja to refill his medicine, to keep the effects of the tear in his card under control, so I trusted her. The professor took a few moments on each of our phones after we unlocked them for her. When she was finished she handed them back to us and explained what she'd done.

"I downloaded a pokedex for you all to fill as an app on each of your phones. We're only testing it so far, but it's been out around the lab for a few months now and all the scientists using it report that it works just fine." She told us. "It works like a computer app, where you don't just scan and see an entry, but you can also search for specific pokemon, categories, abilities, natures, held items, card art pictures, types, and more."

"Can we see all of their possible moves too?" Eve asked curiously.

"Yep! This includes egg groups and who to breed to get a pokemon with a certain egg move."

"So it has stuff about breeding? What about battling?" I asked.

"There are videos and PDFs to use as training guides when getting used to new moves or trying to learn a new technique. There should be guides to pokemon natures, type advantages, moves, and anything else that will affect their battling potential as well."

"Are there any videos for pokemon performers?" Pearl spoke up.

"You can change the mode that the dex is in. If you choose performer mode, it'll recommend articles off of the internet to you related to that. There are three different modes so far. One for performers, one for battlers, and one for professors. Each of them will also recommend different pokemon to you, if you click the 'recommended pokemon' page on the table of contents at the side."

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