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[Naval Station Pearl Harbor] - VADM Joseph Radford's POV: Admiral's office: Dec 5 1330 hours

(A/N: Vice Admiral Joseph Radford is the CO of the USN Ship girl fleet based in Pearl with other stations like NS Midway island acting as a FOB and Everett Washington, and San Diego, Norfolk and a few others being the bases for American ship girls that they've summoned ever since the U.S started its own program alongside the Japanese) 

VADM Radford: Well this week went swell the 7th fleet just reported that they lost 2 guided missile destroyers in a battle near Yokosuka with a third crippled and the two JMSDF destroyers forced to disengage with reports that modern weapons are ineffective against, Abyssal forces its been a while when Japan reported, young women started to appear through a summoning gateway in Japan which they claimed they are ships of the former Imperial Japanese Navy, with that news the US Navy went with our own program and have successfully recalled most of the warships of the Pacific fleet with the exceptions of the surviving second world war ships like North Carolina, Alabama and Massachusetts, and Iowa and her sisters, the USS Texas BB-35 for battleships while for carriers the remaining Essex class hasn't yet shown up but the current summoned Essex class fleet carriers are half already and Midway and a few others for carriers while for the submarines and destroyers they but all have returned except the two remaining Forest Sherman class destroyers preserved. he thought as he reads a report from 7th fleet

As the Admiral was reading the report his new XO for the administration staff Captain Evelyn, Shirley. Smith walked in with a fresh batch of paperwork and more reports for the admiral to handle given that the ship girls and the abyssals remained top secret from the public until recently when someone in the Japanese public got a glimpse of the ship girls or Kanmusu as they call it over there during a battle thus making the JMSDF declassifying the ship girls and the abyssal threat which surfaced a year ago with most of the old Naval powers picking up the tab  with the British and Germans just started theirs last month with the French and Italians is still trying to debate over the subject while the Russians are eerily quiet.

Capt Smith: Good day admiral! she greeted

(A/N: This is the Admiral's new XO Captain Evelyn, Shirley. Smith her appearance is that of a 25 year old she has dark blue eyes and she has somewhat blonde short hair)

VADM Radford: Good day Captain, please be seated. he said as he sets down the report he was reading

Capt Smith: Thank you sir. she replied

VADM Radford: So captain i have read your file already but can you tell me some of your self first? he asked

Capt Smith: Of course sir, as you know my name is Captain Evelyn Smith I am a Annapolis Graduate, served on the Nimitz a couple years as a Officer, as of current reassigned as your XO sir on the American Ship girl program. she said

 VADM Radford: Tell me captain where are you from again?

Capt Smith: Oh sir i'm from Portsmouth Virginia, me and my family lived near Norfolk Naval Base since my dad used to work there before he retired, I was born in 24th September 2001 is that enough as an answer to you sir?

VADM Radford: Yeah another thing though why did you join the navy in the first place? Sorry if I asked.

Capt Smith: Well sir I've always been an Awe with the Navy and the fact of me being attracted to the sea also adds to that during my college and high school years i was very active when it came to any water sports or activities. she explained

VADM Radford: Fantastic thank you captain, have you met any of the girls on base?

Capt Smith: I've met a couple mostly are destroyers but i did meet Enterprise yesterday.

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