Prologue/Character intro

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My name is Irene Anderson i was born in August 27, 2000 me and my family lived in Des Moines Iowa, when i was a kid for some reason the feeling of being out at sea was natural for me this became more apparent when we visited my grandparents in Los Angeles i was always attracted to the sea, it always calms me, my grandfather was a Navy vet he tells me stories on how he served on the Battleship Iowa back in the 80's which is currently docked in LA port as a floating museum we even visited one time, he also told me countless stories of the ship on his service on it, and its history and when we visited the ship the feeling while i was on board was nostalgic i always get the feeling i was at home aboard the old gal. And that is why i applied at the Naval Academy when my parents heard this they were proud of me as i was taking on a duty and service for my country, after years in the academy i graduated and i got assigned in the 7th fleet aboard the USS Barry DDG-52 in Yokosuka Japan as the Barry's XO, my physical appearance is of that of a hot 25 year old i have blonde hair and bright blue eyes, and i have to say i have a pretty good bust line and good sized "Assets".

A week later i was in a flight to Japan, i quickly adjusted to the customs and basically everything since being stationed on a foreign country is hard at first but you'll get the hang of it  i made some good memories at my time with the 7th fleet and then everything changed on one morning, it was a normal one like any other peace time patrol we were just expected to patrol a specific sector and then return back to Yokosuka, but the quiet morning was shattered at the sound of the Boatswain's whistle blaring at the 1MC i immediately know what the whistle meant it meant "General Quarters" with that i immediately sprinted out of my quarters and ran to the ship's bridge

Then the 1MC suddenly announced it "General Quarters! General Quarters, All Hands Man your Battlestations! This is not a drill repeat General Quarters! General Quarters! Man your Battlestations!" came from the ship's 1MC followed up the General Quarters alarm

As i made it to the Bridge the crew was in flurry of activity with everyone busy on their stations i approached the captain and talked to him

Irene: Captain what seems to be the situation?

Capt: We detected unknown surface contacts just 5 Nautical miles from us we've been trying to contact it but were not getting any response we've also informed the JMSDF and they said they have no ships in this sector, they are currently sending us two of their ships to assist in any way.

Irene: I see sir what about the contact sir?

Capt: I-I don't know Irene its giving off less Radar signature and its been dipping in and out of Radar detection for the last fifteen minutes.

Irene: I see sir.

Crew man 1: Captain! I can see the contact port bow bearing Northeastward bearing down on us! the lookout reported

As the lookout reported that we both grabbed our binoculars and looked at and when we saw it, it shocked us both

Capt: What the Hell!?

Irene: Is this some awful Joke!?

Capt: Afraid not what the hell is that thing!

As we both threw our remarks on what we are seeing there it is on the water was a woman like figure with some sort of organic organism in the shape of Naval guns on her side the most weirdest part was she was floating in water, which is physically impossible and with her the nearly same beings but different as it got near our ship it started firing its Naval guns at our destroyer

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