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A/N: You all thought I will not add ships of other Nationality!? Think again cause here comes the Brits! Also your gonna like this new character I am introducing. Also if you managed to guess the new character from the hints I am giving I'll give the person to guess correctly a shutout next chapter, Also no cheating guess this without skipping to the awakening part if you cheated you won't be given the shout out. Also i'll be asking questions you a couple questions on how did you guess our new character.


[Portsmouth Naval Base]

On the Naval base stands a young woman about the age of 25 years old, her name is none other than Commander Helen Danvers, her appearance wise is wearing a dress uniform with the rank badges of a OF-4 or Commander with the signature hat as head wear, her physical appearance is Dark brown hair and blue eyes.

Walking to the office of the OIC of HMNB Portsmouth, she knocks on the door and she waited for the response then it came, "Come in" was the response from the other side of the door

Commodore Bailey: Ah, Commander Danvers. he greeted

Danvers: Sir Commander Danvers, reporting as ordered! she said as she stood in attention

Commodore Bailey: Good to know Commander, you arrived this morning?

Danvers: Yes sir, I just arrived from Clydebank.

Commodore Bailey: So your from Scotland, Commander?

Commodore Bailey: Yes sir! My family was from Glasgow, but I moved to Clydebank after college then enlisted as a reservist sir, just got commissioned as an officer a couple days ago.

 Commodore Bailey: Good to know, Commander. As you know here in Portsmouth we have the Ship girls corps yes?

Danvers: Yes sir I am aware of their existence already.

Commodore Bailey: Good, did you met any Commander?

Danvers: No, Not yet sir. she reported

Commodore Bailey: Well then Commander, I'll dismiss you. Get settled in alright, go around meet some of the girls if were you since you'll be working with them in the future.

Danvers: Yes sir thank you sir!

As she left the office she decided to first go to her quarters to drop off her personal belongings

Timeskip brought to you by the Author playing a Roblox copy of World of Warships but all the ships are WW1 or an early period, while yeeting a poor RADM ranked player in his HMS Courageous

After she left her belongings Commander Danvers decided to explore the base for a while, she soon decided to visit the Historic Dockyard as she has a fascination about ships of the past, her first visit was HMS Victory, the old ship of the line was proudly sitting at her berth, taking no time she boarded the ship given she has consent from the Museum staff already that she'll do a tour of her own of the Museum.

As she boarded she couldn't feel but be in awe at the 104 gun warship as she goes around the deck now entering the superstructure of the Victory, she felt just from her intuition that someone was with her.

???: Catch your fancy Miss?

Wheeling around she saw a woman about 20-25 years old, and appears to be wearing a Naval officers uniform of the 1800's or even older.

Danvers: W-Who are you? she stammered

???: I am HMS Victory, dear Admiral Nelson's flagship. she said smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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