13. Time

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Hey guys, I am so so so sorry for literally never updating, my job has been scheduling me seven days a week and we've been doing some renovations at my house so I haven't had a lot of free time to update. But I've got a few stories written out that I just need to get typed on here so please stay tuned!!! Love you all and requests are still open!

"We lost them." Shoupe looked down at his rain soaked gear as he spoke to Pope, Kiara, Sarah, and I. John B and JJ had managed to get the Phantom out of the marsh and were heading down the coast to the Yucatan until John B wasn't being hunted by the SBI. But now according to Shoupe, his crews 'lost' them.

"Lost them?" Pope questioned. "What do you mean you lost them?"

"So they got away." I said with a small smile, but that small moment of happiness was cut short by Shoupe shaking his head.

"Those two boys took an open boat into a tropical depression. We lost their signal Y/N." Shoupe explained and my heart dropped.

They didn't make it?

No, that's John B and JJ we're talking about here, the best boat drivers I know.

"We're still looking for them but..." Shoupe trailed off. Rage and anger seep through my veins as he turns to walk away. He's quick to turn around when I speak.

"So what then, you're saying they're dead? You think they're dead?" My voice rises with every word I speak. I let out a sarcastic chuckle as I continue. "Do you even care? I bet you don't. You didn't like either of them. You were ready to arrest John B for a murder you had no concrete proof he committed, and you've hated JJ forever! You drove them right into the storm! You killed them you son of a bitch!" I screamed as I lunged towards him. I might have been quick, but Pope was quicker. He wrapped his arms around my middle, effectively pinning my arms to my side as he lifted me off the ground and moved us into the corner of the tent. He may have been able to stop me from attacking Shoupe, but he couldn't stop my mouth. "You killed them! You killed them!" Sobs tore from my throat, painful, loud, almost animalistic sounding.

"Shhh." Pope whispered into my ear. I've never felt pain like this before. The space in my body where my heart was has now become a big gaping hole. I thought I had had my heart broken before, but this is truly the most pain I've felt in my heart and soul in my whole lifetime.

Eventually, Kie and Sarah come to join us and we hold each other as our pain and tears flow. From the corner of my eye I see Shoupe and the other officers he had with him leave the tent and head back to most likely close things off with the SBI.

"They're really gone," I whisper. "aren't they?" When no one answers I know they agree with me. I could stand here and hope that they are going to come back. That John B would tell us he found the gold and JJ would tell us all about the Bahamas and getting to kick Ward's ass. But sometimes you have to face reality even when it hurts, and the reality is that there is little to no chance of them ever coming back. As much as I hate to admit it, Shoupe was right.

"Sarah?" A familiar voice separates the group as we turn to see Ward Cameron stepping into the tent. He lays his eyes on his daughter and lets out a sigh. "Sarah sweetie, it's been a long night let's go home." He begins to make his way towards us and Sarah's grip tightens on us.

"No," she speaks, her voice rough and broken. "I'm not going anywhere with you." Ward shakes his head and asks her again, only to get the same answer. He starts to walk closer to us but stops when I speak up.

"It's your fault you know." I speak up. A few officers standing by turn their heads towards us. "We know you killed Big John. Peterkin was there to arrest you, then Rafe shot her and you both framed John B for what happened." If I didn't have the officers' attention before, I do now. Ward looks between me and the officers and lets out a short laugh.

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