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There was once a village of houses. Each house varies in color, design and size. The builder created the houses in distinct beauty with attractive windows for the visitors to peek inside.

Among the beautiful houses, one stood differently. The white Windowless House had never received guests ever since. It was avoided, neglected and mocked for being different.

Twice a year, the village of houses have been celebrating Welcome Festival, where visitors flocked the village to be invited inside the cozy and beautiful homes. In every event, only Windowless House was left unattended.

It was the only house where guests never bothered to look at.

Windowless House grew sorrowful each year. No matter how it tried to prepare its home inside into beautiful and kindly, visitors still never come because it had no windows.

It longed for attention and affection from the visitors that only beautiful houses could feel. One day, Windowless House decided to see the builder.

"Master, why did you create me without windows? Why made me if I'll be useless?" it asked sadly.

"You are no useless. You have a beautiful and comfortable home to shelter people." said the builder.

Windowless House was not convinced. The unhappy house believed there is nothing beautiful to a less appreciated house. Everyday, it grew sadder and lonely. If only it had windows to give the passersby a glimpse inside...

If only...

One stormy night, a curious wanderer was lost in the woods and came upon the village of the houses. He was in need of shelter. There are so many beautiful houses to choose from. Each house was very inviting.

But his eyes darted to the most unlikely house he had ever seen. The house without windows! The curious wanderer find it peculiar and the most unique. So, the curious wanderer went to explore the house.

"What a nice seat! What a warm place! What a delicious food! This house is beautiful!" the curious wanderer cried in delight inside Windowless House.

Happily, the Windowless House brought the happy news to the builder the next morning.

The builder smiled, "Passersby tend to judge the interior of the house through the open windows. Some would say nice, some would say ugly, even without making it through inside."

"You are made with the nicest home, but without windows to abstain judgment." the builder explained.

"So only those people who can see more than the exterior, will knock on your door to see what true beauty lies inside."

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