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Once upon a time, an evil witch imprisoned a crippled father and his daughter in a tower. Except for the back window, the tower has no door, stairs, or other means of escape. The two were stuck in a very high tower with only two gold bars and a year's worth of food.

The daughter was sorrowful, yearning to be freed into the world. She desired many things, including meeting new people, traveling around the world, and attaining her dreams. For many days, the daughter's sole companion was her father. The father would always ask his daughter,

"What do you want the most?"

Again and again, she would tell him the same answer, "To be free and live my life to the greatest extent."

One day, the daughter noticed that her father was hanging the two gold bars outside the window. The gold could be seen from below, gleaming in its glory, tempting every lost man.

The glittering riches would occasionally entice men, thieves, and young folks passing by the tower. Many people had attempted to claim the golds by scaling the steep tower. But no one was able to go down since they had met their untimely demise.

The daughter was horrified to discover that her father was murdering people. She then now realized why his father would sit near the window at all hours of the day and night: for he was waiting for someone else to murder—and steal their food and belongings.

She was disgusted, terrified and enraged at her mad father.

"Why did you kill all those people?" she cried.

"I did it for you," his father said.

The daughter grew to despise her father. He was no longer same man she used to admire. He transformed into someone else, thirsty for blood. And all her father would tell her was:

"Everything I did is for you, my child."

Days, months and nearly a year had gone by since her father began the killings. She kept her distance from his mad father. She couldn't even look at him again. Living in the tower was torturous every day. She was no longer able to live with him.

He's a murderer!

Then, one evening, her father got sick. He looked very tired—his hair gone white, his eyes were almost sunken, his cheekbones protruded. He wrinkled like an old man twice his age.

"My child, it's time."

She was scared. Would her father killed her this time?

But her father only walked her to the back window, limping and panting. The moment she saw what's outside the window, she gasped anxiously. Hot angry tears were brimming in her eyes.

Her father made a ladder out from the bones of the men he killed.

"Why did you do it?" she sobbed and sobbed.

She flinched when her father touched her cheek. Her father looked at her—the same loving eyes she once loved.

"Because, my child, I will do anything for you. Even if you'd hate me for things I have done." he smiled.

"Run free, daughter and chase your dreams!"

The father watched with a broken heart as her daughter go.

There is no limit of what a father's love can do.

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