the break in and the aftermath

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Recap:《Both people's pov》

We got back from the party and our dorm got broken into we called the cops they didn't find anything and are going to call us when they get the dna and info
▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ 《back to present day》

(Still both's pov)

We enter the dorm both still shaken up and freaking out we decide to stay close together while we walk around and check it out. The window is open, we see a person dangling out they appeared to be very high so help them. He starts frantically apologizing "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" over and over again.

(Tony's Pov)
I ask him what he's sorry about he says "I am sorry for breaking in please don't get me arrested, I am sorry". "Ok" I reply "I will call the cops and tell them we got it sorted out" after I called the cops and told them we got it sorted out we kicked him out and went to lock the door until we realized our lock was broken which kinda worried us both knowing anyone could walk in at anytime during the night. So we blocked it off with some heavy objects so it was harder to open

(Nick's pov)

Tony talked to the guy and kicked him out but our lock was broken so we tried to block it off as best as possible but I was still scared. "Tony" I asked "yes" he replied "I am still a little worried can I sleep with you in case anything happens" "of course nicky, I will keep you safe". We walk into Tony's room, he has a double bed thank goodness otherwise it would be difficult. I grab my toiletries bag and get ready for bed. I walk into Tony's room and he's standing there naked (no not what you're thinking of you dirty shovel) ah "Tony" I screamed. He turned around "what?" "You're um naked" "sorry, just trying to find my pyjamas" "not having much luck are ya?" I reply laughing. "Haha real funny" said tony "actually it is" I say "not that,someone moved my pyjamas" "guess I'll wear sweatpants to bed tonight" "it's just so darn hot" he says. "yeah, maybe cause you're here" I whisper. "What did you just whisper?". "Uh um nothing" "let's go to sleep".

(Tony's pov)

Nick asked to sleep in my room tonight. So of course I said yes. I was hiding it but I was scared too but tomorrow we'll talk to the front desk and have them repair the lock. While nick was in the bathroom getting ready for bed I was looking for my pyjamas but it seems someone moved them. I guess I am wearing sweatpants to bed tonight it's just so darn hot in here "maybe it's because nick's here" I thought to myself. Nick comes out in teddy bear pyjamas of course what else would you expect. He puts his pillow in my bed and lets me choose my side, I chose left so I could be the big spoon. We get in bed and he cuddles in nice and close and I wrap my arms around him and tuck my knees behind his. He smiled. "I'll keep you safe nicky, I promise Don't worry" he blushes and smiles harder. "Tomorrow when we get up we'll talk to the front desk and get the lock changed" I say, "ok" nick replied.
"Good night tony I had fun today, you seem cool I can't wait to get to know you better" "goodnight nicky I had fun too, and I am also excited to get to know you". I honestly forgot today was the first day of school I feel like I have known him longer then a couple hours. Afterall we kissed, had our dorm broken into and cuddled and I realized I don't think I am as  straight as I thought. Pretty eventful first day if you ask me.

(Nick's pov)
I am in bed with tony I let him choose the side he wants to sleep on and I was hoping he would cuddle me I was scared and Tony was such a sweet guy and I really enjoy having him around. I hope we become best friends or more
Because he has an amazing personality, He's a good kisser and he's pretty cute. Anyway we get in bed and I guess tony had the same idea cause he gets in bed and flips so he's facing towards me and laying towards the middle. I get in and he wraps his arms around me and tucks his legs behind me and suddenly I feel safe all sense of worry is gone. It's just tony and I, we sit there me in his arms and talk. We talk about our day and how we're excited to get to know eachother.

(We fall asleep)

♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡811 words not as long as last time but i hope you guys are enjoying this series as much I enjoy writing. Also please leave a comment about what you think so far.

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