(smut) the more the merrier

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I will make an appropriate version of this chapter so if you don't want to see the innapropriate stuff skip to the next chapter it's the same

(Nick's pov)
It's saturday morning I am lying bed all wrapped up in Tony's arms. It's 10 am, Tony's still sleeping, the birds are chirping outside the window, the sun shine lighting up the room with a golden ambience. It felt like today was going to be a nice day the weather was perfect and even better I got to start my day by lying in bed next to Tony like what more could I want other then to be dating this guy, hopefully soon. It's 10:30 now and Tony wakes up "good morning sleepy head" I say. "Good morning, how long have you been awake for" he asks. I reply "about 30 minutes." "So ready to get up, or want to stay here for a bit" he asks. is that even a question. "Stay here duh" "ok".

(Tony's pov)

It's 10:30 am I wake up with Nick next to me obviously, he woke up before me today. I ask if he wants to get up and he obviously says no which I am ok with because I enjoy the cuddles. It's 11 o'clock now we get up and get ready. We decide to head down to the coffee shop on campus to get a good ol' cup of joe and some breakfast sandwiches. It's almost like a date. We meet up with Ryland and Ondreaz, they walk up to us holding hands. "Hey guys, guess what" they say "what?" We reply back. "We made it official" "we're dating" they tell us. "Wow congrats" nick says. "I'm happy for you" I reply. We go for a walk all together to pass the time cause college/campus life is boring. Ryland texts Michael asking where he's been. He said he was drunk and stayed at a friend's last night and they invited us over to meet Michael's friend chase who lives in an apartment outside of campus so we drove there.

(Michael's pov)

I went to a party last night and got drunk so I spent the night at my friend Chase's house. This morning around 12 pm I got a text from Ryland asking where I was so I tell him where I was but Chase said he wanted to meet them so I invited them over. It's around 12:30-1:00 in the afternoon they just arrived. Everyone introduces themselves and then we head downstaira to.the games room. We put on the football game and play pool (Tony won). It's 3:00 pm now Ryland, Tony, Ondreaz, Nick and I have left to go back to our dorms.
(Time skip) (still michaels pov)

We get back to our dorm complex and Nick and Tony go to their dorm. Probably to snuggle. Ondreaz comes back to ours with us, which confused me at first till I saw him and Ryland holding hands. We all sit on the couch and they get all cuddly with eachother. (I am jealous) "so are you guys a couple yet" I ask "yeah we made it official his morning" they reply. I respond by saying "yay, congrats. Now we just need Nick and Tony to do the same". "Wait they like each other" Ondreaz asked "Yes but don't tell them you know" "ok" Ondreaz said. Ryland says "they need to get together soon" "I was texting Nick last night and he said they were showering together and it was all hot and they were making out and Tony had him pinned against the wall" "damnnn" I reply "didn't know they were like that" when I said that Ondreaz and Ryland looked at each other "oh no. They did something too" I think to myself. I just look at them. Anyway are you guys going to the party tonight. "What party" I give them the details and they agree to go and then we call to ask Tony and Nick if they're going but no response ouu what's going on in there dorm. We go knock on their door and no response.

(Nick and Tony's pov) mature content

We got back to our dorm and we were in THAT mood so we went back to our room and just started making out.

(Nick's pov)

We're in our room and we're making out. Tony has me pinned against the wall he slides his hands up my side and on to my neck kinda choking me in a hot way. I rip his shirt off and his unbuttons my shorts and pulls them off he throws them across the room. I start kissing his neck making hickeys all over and I slowly work my way down his body until I reach his pants line I look up for consent and he gives me permission I start sucking on it, going up and sown until I feel a rush down my throat, Tony lets out a moan. "My turn" I say he gets down on his knees and starts rubbing mine and puts it in his mouth. I let out a moan. We finish up and get in the shower and keep making out and washing eachother. We hear my phone ringing I don't care we're in our own world then we hear a knock on the door and we snap out of our mood. We get out of the shower and get dressed turned the red lights off and answer our door trying not to make it obvious what we were doing. We open the door to see Ryland, Ondreaz and Michael. "Hope we aren't interupting anything" they say. "Yes you are" "you killed the mood" we reply. "Ouu what mood". "Shut up and tell us what you are here for" "damn just wanted to know if you were going to the party tonight" "weren't planning on it but sure I guess" I say. Ok and they give us all the details then leave. Ok what do you want to do now because now they ruined the mood. "Let's just cuddle" Tony suggests.

(Tony's Pov)

Nick and I get a knock on the door. It was Ryland, Ondreaz and Michael asking if we were going to a party. We said yes but the party doesn't start for 3 hours so we have some time to kill. We make ourselves lunch/ a snack because yk we were buSy, anyway we eat our food make some tiktoks just chill a bit. I decide to take a nap to pass the time. "Hey Nicky I am going to take a nap" "ok" he said he looked a little sad when I said that but he said he wasn't so I lay down in bed. First time I slept alone so far. I go on my phone for a bit before I fall asleep but then I pass out to sleep. I wake up and feel something pressed against me I turn around to look and it's Nick who's sleeping like a little baby, aww. I roll over and check the clock and it's 5:30 so I decide to sleep for another half an hour because I thought we would probaby be up late tonight. I fall back asleep. *time flash* I wake up it's 5:57 close enough so I roll over to wake up Nick but he's not there guess he's already awake, I get up to look for him but he wasn't in the common area so I check his bedroom but still no Nick. I started freaking out. So I text him, no response. I call him and he tells me...

(Nick's pov)

Tony told me he's gonna take a nap and I said ok but then I got sad without him damn I must really like him, if I can't go a little bit with out seeing him. He goes to sleep and then I got sad without him so I got in bed and cuddled him. Wow maybe I am clingy. I fall asleep this time he's in front of me. It's 4:36 I wake up at 5:34 and get up. Tony was still sleeping so I got up and went to Ryland and Michael's dorm to hang out with them and Ondreaz while Tony sleeps. I got a call at 6 from Tony freaking out asking where I was. Aww he was worried about me. I am with Ryland, Ondreaz and Michael. Don't worry I am ok I will be back in a minute.

(Tony's pov)

He's ok. Guess I have to start getting ready for the party. I get up change my clothes, I go into the bathroom to start brushing my teeth when i hear the door I run out thinking it was Nick. It was NOT. I walk out to see someone with a mask kber their face all dressed in black wtf not again. "Out" I screamed " GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT" I continued screaming. They slowly backed up but quickly turned and lunged at me I did the first thing I could think of, and grabbed the first thing I saw and throw it at them. Suddenly a T.V remote was being flung across the room knocking the unwelcomed person out. Nick walks in and says "wtf" "I have no idea who they are and they were charging at me" "oh ok, drag them out?" We drag them out to the hallway and shut the door. I go back to the bathroom and continue brushing my teeth and nick starts getting dressed, brushing his hair. We head to the party


******************************** phew 1620 words sorry for the delay I lost motivation and was trying to write two chapters at once but I will try to right more.

Tiktok: pumpkinxtonick
Insta: obviouslystylinson._tonick

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