"see you after school Tony"...

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(Tony's pov)

"See you after school Tony" Nick says. Ouuuu steamy. Nick and I smirk at each other. We walk our seperate ways. Nick and Ryland walk one way,Ondreaz goes another and Michael and I ended up walking the same direction. Turns out we have class together. I am talking to Michael and He asks "sooo are you and Nick a thing" "no, not yet at least" I reply. "Oh, do you like him?" he asks. I reply "I don't know, maybe I do" with a smile. "Ouuu y'all would be cute". "Hehe, thanks" "I hope one day we are together". Michael asks if Nick and I share a dorm and I explain yes and tell him all about the break in and everything that happened, minus the cuddles because yk.

(Nick's pov)

I am walking to class with Ryland and all I can think about is Tony but when am I not thinking of him. All I want to do is fall asleep in his arms tonight and every night from now on. I really like this man a lot damn. I get to class and as we're sitting there doing our assignment the fire alarm goes off we all fly out of the classroom. We get outside and Ryland and I go look for Ondreaz, Tony and Michael because obviously we wanted to stand with them. I hug tony as if I haven't seen him in hours even though it's only been 15 - 20 minutes, and Ryland hugs Ondreaz. I am starting to think they really like eachother which is ok they're really cute together and I am happy for them. Eveyone's holding hands (ondreaz+Ryland and Tony + I) It's a wee bit chilly out today. The bell rings to tell us to go back inside we say goodbye to our friends and get back to class. We finish up taking our notes, I am stressing out and incredibly tired and all I want to do is go back to the dorm and go to bed maybe have a little snack, watch a movie. At this point I don't really care what I do as long as I get out of this class.

(Fast forward twenty minutes)

(Still Nick's POV)

20 minutes pass and class is finally over, the bell rings I grab my stuff and head for the door that is until Ryland screams "Nick wait for me" so I stop and wait for Ryland to catch up. "Why are you in such a rush" Ryland asks. "Sorry just want out of here and I am tired and bored" "you sure it's not to go see tony" "maybe a little of that too" "yeah, I thought so"

(Ryland's Pov)

The bell rings for the end of class. I see Nick rushing out of class, "hey Nick wait for me" "why you in such a rush" I ask. "Just want out of here, and I am tired and bored" "are ya sure you're not rushing to go see tony" he agrees that was a part of why he was in such a hurry to leave, wonder what was going down up in heir room. I head off to find michael so we can go back to our dorm together. We head up and put our stuff down and get changed, michael says he's going to meet up with his friends so I invite ondreaz to come over and hang  out, it's a friday so I ask him to stay the night. I just want to cuddle and watch movies with him.

(Ondreaz's Pov)
Ryland asked me to come over and spend the night and I said yes so I throw my things into a backpack walk down the hall realize I have no idea where the hell I am going, call Ryland, he tells me I have to go down a floor and that the dorm number is 690. I strutted over and knock on the door, Ryland opens the door and he's standing there in pyjama pants and no shirt (mature content warning) "Suddenly I feel overdressed" I say joking around "well maybe you should let me take yours off too" Ryland
Replies. We go in to his.room he takes my shirt off. Damn that was attractive. He leans in and we start making out like there's tomorrow it starts getting hot and steamy, our pants are on the floor now and our lips weren't the only thing touching. He starts going down on me and before I know we were done. We just decide to lay in bed watching a movie while cuddling naked.

(Ryland's Pov) (mature content warning)
Ondreaz comes over and we're playing around he jokes about feeling overdressed "you should let me take your shirt off" I say. We go into the bedroom and making out it starts getting hot and sweaty, our pants go flying across the room I start going down and sucking on his areas we finish up and put on a movie which we watch while cuddling naked.

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