I wanna shelter you

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I wanna hide the truth

I wanna shelter you

But with the beast inside

There's nowhere we can hide

Saint, despite his nickname, is only human. So there are times that he makes mistakes. There are times when he tries to do too much that his body suffers. There are times when he's angry and disappointed in himself. Zee is infinitely grateful to be given the privilege of seeing all of this. Of seeing Saint not only as an actor and as a colleague, but also seeing Saint for the person that he is.

Zee wishes he could do more for Saint but although he already has a lot of advantages, he is still limited. He wants to be more than just a friend, more than just a brother. There's an invisible line that he wishes he could cross, an invisible barrier he wishes he could break. 

But he is not allowed. Saint emotionally draws away from him when he gets too close. So he stands helpless and hopeless.

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