Chapter 1;after school

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I walked down the street today like a young lady should I was seen not heard, atleast that's what Mama wanted me to tell her I did. What really happened was me and May-May went to Locos house so she could tell her mama she was going to my house. Then we ran through one of the market places and knocked some stuff over I kept running, Loco had stole something and May-May picked up what she dropped.

That's what everybody loves about about her --well her names not May-May, but that's what me Lettie and us "kids" call her as Mama would say. Nana Juju and Mama call her spring.Her real name is April -May Tines .Spring because it just sounds right. Nana Juju call her that because she say May-May is real pretty and delicate ,soft and sweet with a warm feeling --like spring is with all the pretty flowers and nice leaves. April got these little puppy dog eyes.

When she look at you, ya automatically wanna do whatever she says. She got long but thin hair it's light brown kinda like dry dirt almost she real tiny and frale a skinny 'lil' thing and always wears her hair up

In a pony tail and bangs with this pretty bow her mama gave her 'fore' she left. It's got ladybugs on 'em'.May-May lives with her Gramma when she run away for weeks and can't nobody find her, but legally she got foster parents they called them the Shepard's.

They meaner than Ky and he scary (atleast to me).Ky real name Kylee he Lettie's crush kinda more like boyfriend if you ask me. He say he love Lettie (that's my sister)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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