Chapter 33

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I love gadgets... I want to make some but I don't know how, so please suffer with me as I imagine and make gadgets from my own brain for my own satisfaction. I shall share some in this chapter.


Mayla groaned for the nth time, she leaned her head on her arm as the train slid to a stop. Momo tugged her cousin and the two cousins ran out of the train.

Mayla looked like a rag doll getting dragged by an excited cat or it could be a mother getting dragged by a very excited kid.

When they passed a cafe, Mayla had enough and pulled Momo to a stop. The taller girl was bouncing on her heels as she looks at Mayla with one eyebrow raised high. What she was doing and why she was in a hurry was a mystery to Mayla and now she wanted to know.

She took a deep breath, "I don't know what's happening, but please tell me now!" She hissed, no one could blame where her anger came from. She was forced to wake up at five, take a cold shower at that time and was forced in a train while she was still half asleep. Heck, she hasn't even eaten anything yet, and Momo looks like she hadn't too.

Momo looked over her shoulder then back at Mayla, her carefree look wasn't there. Instead, what dominated her features was the frown.

Mayla sighed, "Mo, just tell me what's going on..." She bemoaned quietly, she did not want to attract more attention than they already had, "I am confused as to why we're here." She looked around, "Where even are we?!"

"An old friend wanted me to come to a place..." Momo said slowly, her eyes seemed distracted even though she was looking down on Mayla. "I don't really trust him that much and I know you wouldn't come with me if you knew what was going on so... so I took matters in my own hands."

Mayla cocked a brow, "And who is this fine 'gentleman'?" She said, marking the last word with finger quotes.

Momo hesitated, "Yosetsu Awase."

"You're kidding." Mayla deadpanned, expecting what Momo had just said was a joke but when she saw the seriousness behind her eyes this situation was anything but a joke. "You aren't kidding..?"

"I know... and now we're running late! We really need to be there if we still want our company's connections with his."

"Are you sure this is Yosetsu? The last I checked, he was in America catching girls and making huge ton of money. He said he didn't want to get involved with any of this business, he even had a job as an engineer there!"

Momo closed her eyes, "Yes! I know! But not everyone can escape their own family legacy, he was forced to come home due to his father catching a very bad flu. Now, he runs the family business and is trying to re-check everything from top to bottom."

Mayla shut up when she saw the thin glass that captured Momo's eyes.

Momo run a hand through her damp hair, "If I mess this up my father's company is going to..." She trailed off not wanting to finish her sentence. She took a very heavy exhale, "God I wish Kyoka was here..." She murmured.

That caught Mayla's attention, "Question. Why is your girlfriend not here?"

"They were behind preparing for Kumino's birthday party tomorrow, she said they were making up for lost time by spending the whole weekend preparing ." She said distantly, she looked a little angry while she explained.

Mayla was going to take advantage of that later. Not only did Momo say no to the label that was still not confirmed by both parties but she was also angry that she couldn't spend time with the musician. Mayla is shaking in anticipation.

Momo checked her wrist watch and her eyes widen. She grabbed Mayla's arm and dragged her down the street and to the tallest building of the city.

Jaku Lucius. One of the most expensive buildings in Japan, owned by the Yaoyorozu Company with the Awase and Todoroki co-owning.

Entering the building, Mayla was forced to tighten the blazer around her this place was far too cold for her liking. She always preferred the sun on her skin rather than the cold.

Walking towards the desk, the receptionist simply smiled warmly at them as they typed something with their third hand, a fourth hand appeared behind her motioning for the cousins toward the elevator, more specifically, the voice-automated elevator.

Upon entering, Momo and Mayla grabbed their personalised disks from their purses and fitted it on their ear, they pressed a button and a small holographic screen appeared in front of their eyes and the elevator door opened after a small ding and the light on top of the doors glowed green.

Momo took note of the embedded Yaoyorozu name by the corner of the elevator door, it was good to know that this estate was using their gadgets.

As soon as the doors closed, the screen that was supposed to be where the numbers should be, emitted a woman.

Momo smiled at her technology, "Dox." She greeted, her voice controlled and clear.

There was a register and the hologram smiled at Momo, "Young Master, lift to the rooftop?"


With her word, the elevator moved and a wave of nausea hit them both. Momo was going to have a few tinkering with this version the minute she gets time.

"Mr. Awase has already ordered for appetisers, he has been waiting there for an hour now."

Mayla cocked a brow, "He's that early?"

Dox nodded, "Apparently, the scheduled meetings he was supposed to go to was cancelled due to his review. Some of the companies were forced to shut down due to his critical words."

"And how many companies went out of business."

"Three and counting."

Momo took a very deep breath. This was going to be a hard conversation, she just hopes she'll get through this and still have her company to stand tall.


This thing is longer than I initially thought... alright! All chapters are going to be longer than normal because I want to get the pacing done right.

The Musician and The Business Woman  {MomoJirou AU}Where stories live. Discover now