Ch. 4

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The doors to the library burst open as a blur of green and blond rushed through the shelves. Frederick, who was grabbing books with sweaty hands while breathing rapidly from both fear and exertion, frantically searched the bottom shelves. "Where is it? I know its here somewhere." he mumbled as his quivering fingers grazed spine after spine to no avail. Then he jumped on to one of the rolling ladder and pushed off, searching through the numerous top rows of colorfully leather bound books. Finally, at the end of the fourth shelf on the third row, he found the book he was looking for. "Yes!" he said as he yanks out a massive book on mythical creatures from all around the world. He just started climbing down when-

"There you are, Frederick!"

Said boy's heart almost jumped out of his chest as he turned around to see Blaine making his way toward him. "I've been looking everywhere for you! Why weren't you at your lessons? Why-" Blaine started but Frederick ignored him as his brain raced to come up with a way out of this situation. Then he remembered that he's on a ladder with a rolling track and all the ladders after his were lined up perfectly. Frederick reared his foot and launched a powerful kick to the sturdy wooden shelf. His ladder flew down the rails to the next shelf just as his elder sibling was about to grab it. Blaine watched in awe as his brother leapt from his ladder onto the next one that was resting perfectly next to the end of the rail; His momentum quickly rocketing him to the next ladder.

"What the-HEY! FREDERICK, WAIT! Stop that this instant! GET DOWN FROM THERE!" Blaine shouted as Frederick jumped from ladder to ladder gaining more and more speed. When he began rolling towards the doorway, Blaine sprinted towards it, aiming to cut him off. When Frederick's ladder reached the end of the shelf, he jumped off and flew right through the door way and landed in the hallway feet first; His momentum carrying his shoulder into the wall. He winced as a white hot flash of pain shot up his already sore skin, causing spots to flash through his vision and his eyes to water. This gave Blaine enough time to catch up to his younger sibling. "What in the world was that all about?! If you're trying to run from your problems then your sorely mistaken. I need to talk to you about what happened between you and Lance."

Frederick, his skin still flaring with pain, recovered as best he could and walked briskly down the hallway; The mythology book held close to his chest.

"Not now, Blaine. I need to go."

Blaine darted behind him, matching his speed.

"Yes, now. Your behavior to Lance was unacceptable; He was only trying to give you advice. You shouldn't take your lack of trying out on others. Just because your proposal stunk doesn't mean you should act in such a nasty manner."

Frederick gritted his teeth as he quickened his pace.

Blaine kept going.

"I mean seriously. Plant more trees. More libraries? Gardening? A writer's guild? Why did you come up with such frivolous things. Those activities are useless to the kingdom; Its no wonder father is so disappointed in you. Your passionate in the wrong things. Do you really think that what the world needs is some overly passionate literary snobs and a few gardeners? You need to stop focusing on such worthless endeavors and do something that actually means something"

Frederick began to walk faster.

"Look, when the ball is over, we'll look over your proposal; Then we'll just tinker with it to suit father's needs and taste. You need a plan that's more robust, more efficient, something that is actually worthy of father's time. Hey, he might even praise you again like he did back at the Pastel castle. Only this time, try to stay in his good graces this time. Seriously, how do you keep pissing off dad on a daily basis?"

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