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I just have a few things to say
1.I think it's unfair how we fellow  girls treat each other we are our worst enemies  we are backstabbers and we do stuff
91% of girls make their fellow  girl feel less about them selves I don't see why you will make other people feel bad does it give you joy even when your fellow friend isn't doing something well instead of you to correct her you tell other people and they gossip about her and call her name's how will you feel if they do it to you or your sister will you feel good ? I bet you won't like it stop it it's really not nice at all it's very mean and I wonder why it gives you joy let's love and learn to help each other let's be our sisters keepers and help and love each other let's stop hating on each other and stop gossiping and all this fakeness because if you are a good friend you won't hesitate to tell your friend the truth .
2. Body shaming and looks
I think it's really mean to judge people by there bodies it's really mean and harsh they are born that way and you have to deal with it people are different very different some people kill then selves because of what people say to them , people are different we have so many types of people
That how God made them and he loves them like that you have no right to tell them shit that how they are made so deal with it if it annoyes you that's your business stop making people feel like they are not good enough or they are bad it's really uncool and mean
3. Insulting people
Insults can be funny at times I agree we all Insult  people who annoy us or hurt us or do stupid stuff okay it's normal but it has a limit insults can be horrible they can cause they can make people commit suicide that is very common insults like
Your a mistake
Your parents are fools for making you etc
That harsh it may be funny but you don't know how they may feel
There is a limit you can say stuff like that to people people may leave it some may carry and it and it many kill there self esteem
Let's just watch our mouths so we won't attract regret and sham up on ourselves let's control anger because it's a bad thing and it may cause regret there's a limit to everyone so I'mma drop a quote here
FOOD FOR THOUGHT ❗ ❗: what you think about your self is all that matters fuck peoples opinion.
_ nkechiii 📌
The story is ending it has a very touching ending please vote for me and share it too I'm so grateful for my followers and I'll update when I'm free sorry
the delays thank you all so much
Ily all stay safe and I hope what I said here can make you amend your ways 📌
The writer
📌 Nkechiii

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