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Hey guys I have a little something to say
1. Insults 2: I repeat insults are horrible because it's devastating like yesterday someone told a girl 'her father' for and she was just saying something and the person didn't know her father was late
So like I said watch your mouth assuming she cursed him now for Insulting her late father now he will have himself to blame because he was talking anyhow insults are funny sometimes when it's small but when it's intense it's just harsh people write paragraphs of Insults to people saying their a product of ugly parents this and that people are harsh the best thing to do is leave them and be the mature one since they clearly don't have sense just keep quiet and leave it to God
Never forget there is something called"karma" just control your anger because what you can say can make people kill them selves or commit suicide whether you like it or not their blood is on your head just calm down if your angry and like calm your self down breathe in and out helps so like let's watch our mouths so we won't attract curses to our self .

2. Contentment: humans can never be satisfied that's a fact we always want more , but contentment means being grateful for the one you have
Alot of girls will be like why can't my body be like this or she's this or she's that be contented we are not the same we are all different and we all have our uniqueness some may have big stomach or flat that's how you are made and you can't change it or who are you to question God just be happy the way you because we all have our inner shine and inner sparkle you have to love yourself the way you are and be happy and be contented because we are not the same ❗❗let them Insult call you names that is there business what you think about your self is all that matters if you listen to what people say you will have low self esteem and you will intimidated and bullied and noone wants that so be confident and be happy the way you are.
Food for thought: they will always be people who hate you for no reason but you know what fuck it ❗and be the person you want to be
I'll update as soon as possible and I hope you listened to what I said and I hope it helps you 🙂 remember to vote and follow 😙😙okay
Ily all 📌🙂

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