part 10

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                       ISA'S POV
Tommoror is windchella Im freaking out!!! What do I do what do I say what do I wear and Sandy's coming here so I'm happy I have some help so let me write in my diary for the last time
Dear diary
This is my last time writing In you and I made a  friend she gets to write here. I live in a world where everything and everyones eyes are on me because of my face and because I don't have the prettiest face or the hottest body i have a akward posture and Im chubby everyone calls me ugly and what not but you know what fuck it I'm lucky I have the sweetest mum she loves me and I love her so much and I can give her the world if I could I love myself I finally accept my self and tommorow I'm gonna kill it I love myself and I finally accept myself for who i am and I'm happy I got the happiest weeks of my life .
Sandy comes over and we hangout and I told her to write in my diary and she writes I read it and I was happy and she goes home . I sleep and  its the D _day.

Wanna know what happens at windchella find out in the next chapter
Bye 🗯️✨

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