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Everything was just a big old accident covered in misconseptions by fans. I had never sang a day in my life before Fall Out Boy. it's true though, I was a drummer but not even a very good one. I listened to music more than I played. The reason I even joined Fall Out Boy is the silly, but we made it. I think about it sometimes and in the end she made our career. It's funny how things turn out.

I was seventeen, it was a Friday and I was at a local in Chicago show with a bunch of good local bands playing.

I remember being right against the stage where the speakers where when a newer band came on stage. I had definatly heard of them before and they were gaining popularity quickly, but this was my first time seeing them.

Three boys and a girl with a red guitar walked onto the stage. To my surprise the girl took the mic. I watched curiously as the small, short brown haired girl dressed in black began to sing. The band was really punky but I zoned in on her voice and the way she played the guitar with her billions of bracelets on and black nails. She was as pretty as her voice. I decided at that point I had a crush, I hadn't met the girl but that didn't stop my seventeen year old boy mind from it not being logical. It was so cool to me to see a girl on stage doing something, it was something I've never seen in real life before. She was probably a lot cooler than me therefor it would be impossible for me to speak to her, let alone have a shot with her, I was awkward as hell anyway. Now I admit I probably just should of got some nerves and talked to her after the show, but if that would of happened This story wouldn't of been as cool as it was and I never would of been in Fall Out Boy.

That night when I went home all I could do was think about the girl. My chance didn't come for another week when my friend Joe called me.

Hey Guys! I've been keeping this story a secret for a while. I know the real story of Fall Out Boy but I thought it would be cool to just totally make up one. So here you go!

The dumb story of why I joined Fall Out BoyWhere stories live. Discover now