Endless messages from Jacob take over my phone and I know I should be mad at him but I can't. The way his eyes reflected his pain that night made my heartbreak.
I look at the empty dorm and hope I can pack everything I need before Chrissy and Miles come back. I turn off my phone to avoid Jacob's messages but as soon as I do I hear a faint knock at the door.
"Madison," Jacob says as soon as I open the door. Flashes of Jacob saying my name at the party run through my mind but now he's saying my name in a much sweeter tone.
"I'm so sorry." He says and walks into the room. I look at his slightly bloody knuckles and gasp.
"what happened?"
"Nothing." He smiles.
"what—" he cuts me off.
"I shouldn't have acted that way and I'm sorry." He says with a faint smile.
"No, I'm sorry. I should have told you Miles was dropping us off, it's just you didn't show up and I—"
"Don't be, Maddie. You shouldn't have to deal with me acting this way." He says before leaning in for a small peck on my forehead, his hands holding my head.
I smile before finally detaching his hand from my cheeks and continuing my packing.
"You're so cute, you know that right?" he asks with the cutest smile plastered across his face. I giggle before realizing that he's stepping closer, hid hands travel to my waist, and my butt slams against my desk.
"Careful." He says with a smirk before leaning in for a kiss. My arms wrap around his neck as our tongues recognize each other too well but before we can get too close the door opens yet again and this time Miles and Chrissy walk in, leaving me blushing and Jacob stepping away.
"No fucking." Miles says and my eyes go wide at his foul words.
"Are you guys ready?" Chrissy asks with a slight smile, ignoring Miles with a roll of her eyes.
"Yeah." Jacob smiles.
"is that all your bringing?" Chrissy asks as she stares at the backpack on my bed and I smile. I tug at the ends of my light gray knitted sweater before trying to slip my feet into my white shoes, the fuzzy socks don't make it any easier. Jacob sits down on my bed as he waits for me to tie my shoes.
"what's this?" he asks, pulling my laptop from under the covers.
"It's my new laptop, Miles got—" he stands up with an intimidating look except it's not pointed towards me but rather towards Miles.
"Calm down dude, she needed one and I got it for her."
"You got her a laptop?" Chrissy asks confused but Miles doesn't answer. Jacob hufss before he walks towards the door.
"let's go, Maddie." He smiles and I nod.
TARGET is almost empty and I find myself looking at all of the variety of candy on display before adding a few packs of sour candy and chocolate into our mutual cart.
Miles adds a few sodas whilst Chrissy and I pick out vegetables and fruits for the recipes we have planned.
"We need rice too." I remind Chrissy as her eyes steadily search every aisle for something we might have forgotten.
"Right, fuck." She giggles.
"I think we have everything," Miles says with that smile of his before placing a few more items into the cart. Chrissy nods and so do I as soon as I see Jacob walking towards us with a smile plastered across his face.
I know I shouldn't be worried about Miles and Jacob in the same room together but I can't help but wonder what kind of explosion will take place when we arrive. No matter how hard I try, I can't see those two spending the weekend there in peace.
As we wait for the cashier to scan our items I feel my phone vibrating, I pull out my phone to find a message from Jace that reads;
Jace: "I got your mom a phone, she's just like you with technology. I'll help her set it up tonight and hopefully, we can call you soon?"
I send a smiley face before hiding the phone in my pocket. I know my mom calling me tonight shouldn't affect me, but knowing how many things have changed since I last spoke to her makes me feel uneasy.
I have no idea what to expect but I know t won't run as smoothly as I want to believe. Miles swipes his magic card and everything is paid for, I feel slightly guilty but Chrissy convinces me that Miles has more money than he deserves which doesn't help in making me feel better.
I sit into Jacob's car and instantly his hand is on mine. The way his fingers rub my hand comforts me more than it should, I feel my muscles relaxing and my shoulders don't feel as tense anymore.
"You going to call your mom? I, uh . . . I saw the text." He speaks through his raspy voice.
"oh, I . . . I don't know, I mean yeah of course I will, I just—"
"You're not going to tell her about us?" he interrupts and I find myself lost for words.
I barely had any time to process this myself and now I need to come up with an answer faster than I can think. I pull my hand away from his before rubbing mine together in a nervous way.
"I am." I blurt out, surprising myself. Jacob turns to me with a smile and I try my best to hide my surprise.

The Perfect Storm
Teen FictionMadison is an 18-year-old college freshman with her life planned out. All she wants to do is go through college as quickly as she can until Miles enters her life, bringing her nothing but trouble.