The door shuts loudly and I let out a deep breath. I need some time for myself, at least before I can talk to Jacob again, something about him mentioning sex and being ready to do it so soon in this home with Chrissy and Miles right under the same roof was unsettling.
I always thought my first time would be special and not in a large cabin with two other people under the same rood. My head feels foggy and I rub my temples with my fingers hoping to release some of the uncertainty.
I glance around the room only to spot the mess that has been left behind. I can't help but clean the table and fold the scattered blankets on the couch before heading upstairs. I hear the water running, Miles must be in the shower. The door to his room is open and my feet take me there before I can help it.
The room is messy and clothes lay everywhere. Miles's phone lies right on top of a pile of clothes and I find myself leaning in closer a few messages flood the screen but I can't make out who they are from or what they say because his voice stops me;
"what are you doing here?" I hear his voice say. It startles me and I bump my head into the bunk bed frame.
"I, um . . . I was looking for a sweater." I lie, hoping he won't bark at me.
"Here, take mine." He says taking off his black sweater before giving it to me.
His skin is slightly tanned and the tattoos cling onto his body tightly. As soon as I put it on I can smell his somehow comforting cologne. Before I can thank him the electricity goes out and both of us look at each other for a brief second before Miles quickly travels downstairs and check the circuit breakers but switching them on and off doesn't work.
"there's no signal either." He says looking at my phone.
"Guess we're stuck." He winks with a sinister smile and electricity rushes through me. Rain and leaves smash violently against the outside window.
"Do you think they're okay?" I ask, looking up at him.
"They're fine." He disregards me and for a split second, I wish I had left Miles here all by himself.
"You hungry?" He exhales before opening the fridge. I'm surprised by his calmness at his girlfriend not making it home and now being alone with my boyfriend. I head into
the kitchen only to look out the window at the big blizzard in front of me.
"I'll make us something," I say with an almost growling stomach, I forgot to eat after Jacob left, my head was too clouded.
I need a distraction and I know cooking will help, it always has. The day my dad left, I was in tears, knowing he wasn't going to the store to buy me a doll but to leave us forever made my five-year-old heartbreak. That day I saw how hard my mother tried to hold back tears. But instead of crying with me, she smiled at me, tickled my stomach, and made me laugh before suggesting we make pancakes. We stayed up a little later than usual, making pancakes and decorating them all with pink icing.
"Can I help?" Miles asks, breaking into my thoughts. I shake my head as I try to reach the highest cabinet with a struggle.
"You sure?" his raspy voice says as he approaches closer behind me only bringing more butterflies into my stomach. He reaches his hand over mine to grab the seasoning.
"Maybe I do need some help." I smile.
"I'm not entirely useless you know." He smiles and I giggle.
"Kind of, if the only thing you can do is grab spices for me." I chuckle and he gives me his famous smile.
"So what are we making anyway?" he asks, raising himself up to sit next to the stove.
"Well, in that case, I know a great recipe." He drops to his feet off the table.
Miles quickly grabs a pack of cheese, sauce, and tortillas.
I look at him with confused eyes before he explains further; "I know how to cook." He says before taking my place in the kitchen.
I look at him with a smile. I look through a few shelves whilst Miles mixes something in a bow. I grab some candles and a pink lighter. I light the candles around the kitchen to bring some peace of mind since Miles has now taken overcooking.
"Are you trying to romance on me or something?"
"Cause I have a girlfriend, you know that right?" he informs me and I give him a frown.
"I know," I say.
"What are we making?"
"We?" he smiles.
"You." I correct myself, even though I technically started dinner.
"Enchilada casserole," he pulls his sleeve up to reveal a tattoo right below his elbow '1999'
"I have some Spanish roots." He explains.
"Oh, I didn't know that," I say.
"Well, we aren't exactly friends are we?" he raises a a brow and I shake my head with a smile.
"I guess not." I smile as I sit on the island. He pushes his hair back with his hand before continuing to stir the spicy sauce.
"Does the stove work?" I ask.
"Yeah, it's some solar natural power shit." He explains.
The snake I've seen so many times is slightly peeking through the back of his neck but I can't see it as well as before and I can barely trace the lines.
"I like your tattoos." I blurt out and my eyes go wide. Miles turns around with a smirk before saying;
"I like them too." I roll my eyes before getting some plates ready and setting the table. Miles grabs two wine glasses and sets them on the table.
Miles' POV
The table is set and the casserole is in the oven. I wipe the sauce off my hands in a white towel, Madison cringes and I can't help but smile. I attempt to wash the only sharp knife in this damn wooden house but the scolding hot water hits my fucked up knuckles and I grunt in an effort to hold in the pain. It's not half as bad as the fights I've gone through and I'm not going to be a little bitch about these wounds.
"Are you okay?" Madison asks, her eyes searching every inch of my red and irritated knuckles, I wouldn't be surprised if I have a third-degree burn. I can't feel pain as much as I used to.
"I'm fine," I reply harsher than intended and I can see she's laid back. I'm babysitting the most innocent girl on earth, I'm surprised she even knew what condoms were.
Madison scrunches her nose at the sight of my picking at the irritated skin.
My phone goes off a few times before I finally take a look at the messages on the screen and turn off the phone completely.
The egg clock thing starts ringing and I almost break the damn thing by shutting it off. Everything in this house is so damn sensitive, including Madison. I stare at it for a second before realizing I didn't put the clock on, Madison must have set the timer on.
"sorry." She giggles and I can't help but smile. The hot smoke comes out of the oven as soon as I open it and take the dinner out. Madison stands up and grabs our plates.
"Good right?" I ask as we sit at the kitchen table with a mouthful.
"Mhm." She nods with a smile.
"I'm surprised at how well you cook." She says.
"I'm good at a lot of things," I smirk.
Our conversation is almost non-existant as we eat the food in front of us. We finish everything on our plates and I grab both of them, putting them in the sink and letting them soak in the hot water that refuses to go down the drain.
Hi guys! There are some matures themes in the following chapters such as strong language and sexual themes . . . etc, Viewer discretion is advised. Thank you and happy reading!

The Perfect Storm
JugendliteraturMadison is an 18-year-old college freshman with her life planned out. All she wants to do is go through college as quickly as she can until Miles enters her life, bringing her nothing but trouble.