Jacob's POV
I help Madison clean up the dishes before she rushes upstairs to our new room. I pick at the scabs that are now forming on my knuckles as I head towards the stairs.
"Your little girlfriend is afraid of condoms, haven't you introduced those to her yet?" Miles smirks and I want to punch him in the nose again, breaking it this time.
"We're taking it slow." I wink, trying to hold myself together even though everything in me wants to smash his head against the wall.
I know that Madison forgave my reaction last time but I don't know how often she'll forgive me acting like this and I'm not taking any chances. Miles's smirk isn't worth it, not for losing her.
"Since when did you become such a wimp?" he chuckles but I push him at the shoulder, trying to get past him.
"fuck off." I huff before finally walking up the stairs to find her.
"You scared me." She smiles.
"Sorry," I say before entering the room and approaching my girl closer. As she folds the clothes she brought I find myself kissing her exposed neck.
It's so warm to the touch of my lips and I almost want to devour all of her. I'm surprised when she moans, I take a step back before turning her to face me and looking into her beautiful soft hazel eyes, they welcome me into her arms and so does her whole body.
I close the door behind me as my hands travel straight to her waist. I breathe into her mouth before our tongues connect like never before and I know exactly where I want to take this. I take off my shirt and I can see she's mesmerized by my body until she isn't.
"What happened?" she asks at the sight of a dark bruise.
"Nothing." I brush it off.
"Are you getting into fights?" her innocent eyes ask but I shake my head, lying to her. The last thing she needs to know is about the fights I've been getting into.
My hand holds her face in place as I kiss her softly, leaving her wanting more of my touch. I lock the door before coming even closer to her.
"I thought we could, uh . . ." I whisper into her ear as my fingers play with the loose strands of her hair.
"Have sex." I finally say and her eyes go wide.
"Jacob, I told you I wanted to take it slow." She pushes at my chest, clearly hurt by my words.
"Maddison, I'm sor--"
"I want to sleep alone tonight." She interrupts, looking down at the floor.
"fine," I say harshly before exiting the room with a loud slam of the door.
Madison's POV
I sigh as soon as I hear the slam of the door. The last thing I expected Jacob to bring up was sex. I put away all of my belongings, trying to shift my focus away from my already clouded mind, I can't take any more tonight which only reminds me I still have to call my mother and tell her about Jacob who I'm not speaking terms with right now.
I sit down on the soft bed before dialing he new number Jace sent me. Knowing he'll be right there next to my mom, helping her navigate the phone only makes this scarier than it should be. I feel bile rising in my throat but I recover as soon as I hear my mother's voice over the phone.
"mom?" I say, almost in tears.
"Oh, Maddie, how's my little sweet girl doing?" she asks and I sniffle just a little.
"I'm doing okay mom." I smile.
"How are your legs?"
"they're not like they were a while ago but I'm holding up just fine, Madison." She says into the receiver.
I know that my mom is doing okay but I can't help but worry about her and especially now that I haven't seen her since I left for college.
"Jace has been helping me tremendously with cooking, cleaning, and everything I need. My sweet daughter doesn't need to worry this much."
"I know mom, but I always will." I giggle a little through the few tears falling down my cheek.
"how's school, how is everything?" she asks in a sweet voice and I feel a lump forming in mine. I can't tell her about Jacob, especially not now, we're barely on speaking terms and I have no idea where any of this will take me.
"School is great, but it's not the same without Jace," I say with a smile, knowing he's listening to every word.
"I knew you'd say it sooner or later," he says and we all laugh.
"We miss you, Maddie," Jace says and I want to burst into tears.
"I know, I was thinking of coming next weekend," I say with a smile and I can hear the happiness in my mom's voice right before telling her to get some rest.
After almost half an hour of talking, I finally press the red button on my phone screen. I take a deep breath before grabbing my small toiletry bag and opening the door slightly, I didn't realize how late it really was, I must have talked to my mom for at least two hours.
As soon as I open the door I hear;
"Sneaking around?" I can almost feel the smirk even though my back is turned away from him.
"I um—" I try but can't finish.
"I am too, Chrissy wouldn't let me slip away." He smirks and I roll my eyes as we both head into the same direction before stopping at the bathroom door.
"I—" he stops before giving me a small smile.
"you first." I'm surprised by his kindness but I quickly enter the bathroom before he says something else and ruins it. I want to think of Miles as a nice person but he makes it very hard.
I lock the door before changing into my pajamas and brushing my teeth.

The Perfect Storm
Teen FictionMadison is an 18-year-old college freshman with her life planned out. All she wants to do is go through college as quickly as she can until Miles enters her life, bringing her nothing but trouble.