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'The silence before the storm', is what they told her, instead she chose to ignore them. And because of that her husband lays on the ground with claw marks all over him, and a bronze dagger in his heart.

She silently cries as she tries to quickly figure out what to do. Loud wails can be heard as the small child cries for her mother.

The mother looks out the window to see her entire village filled with dead bodies. Children screaming, as mothers are being burned by them.

Sighing, she looks at her child and tries to lull her back to sleep. She packs up her books that contain witchcraft and her carnia beads.

The beads were the most important thing, they were what held information about what is happening and who that small child is.

She quickly packs, and grabs her young child. She sadly takes a look at the love of her life, a siren. He promised her a life of happiness, and she received it. "I'll always protect our family, until my death" he used to say.

She quickly runs out of her broken down house just in time to hear the door being broke down by them. She searches for the one person who she can trust with her child.

She hears a sound, almost like a whisper and turns to it. There she stood, Euphenia Mauri, her sister in law. She stood with tears in her eyes. "Guinevere, what are you doing let's go" Euphenia told her trying to drag her to deep blue sea.

Guinevere stood as still as a statue, "I made a promise to your brother that if he dies, I die too. Take care of my little girl Euphi, please don't let her forget me" she pleaded with her.

Knowing that the young witch was stubborn, Euphenia cradled the young child. "I love you, and I'll take care of her" she smiled while tears poured down her eyes.

Guinevere cried too, she ushered Euphenia to the water. "Go take her, take care of her. And make sure she opens the carnia beads when she's older."

Guinevere watched as Euphenia turned into the mythical creature of the sea. She swam and went under, away from Guinevere's sight.

She sighed and looked back at her village, her house. And knew what she had to do. She ran to where all the kids were and ushered them away from the scene. She grabbed as many people as she could, ushering them into safety.

When she saw everyone was hidden she turned to them with a new determination. She closed her eyes and recited the spell. Slowly all the of those heartless beasts were trying to grab their chests, to breathe.  Blood pouring out of their mouths, eyes and ears.

She ran to her husband, while all of them were trying to allow air way into their lungs. She cradled his head onto her lap, and said the final spell.  One that would kill everyone, around them.

It was so loud, and so much blood that Euphenia could not only hear it but could see it. Blood made it's way into the sea, a lone tear left her eye. She looked up and saw the moon shining through the deep waters that kept her safe. She prayed to her, the moon goddess, asked her to take care of the two people she cared most about.

She looked down at the baby, saw her smiling and reaching for the moon. Euphenia smiled sadly, "let's go to our new home, Thesia"

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