4| ashes in the wind

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❝𝘪 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺, 𝘐 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘵 𝘪𝘵. 𝘈𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘯❞


     There was chatter everywhere, everyone from all the packs came to this special event. Women wearing their fanciest dresses, men wearing there most fitted tuxedos. Everyone from Alphas to Omegas were here. I could see Hunter casually looking around as he sipped his champagne, trying to spot his mate.
   I sighed, knowing even though this might benefit others it was completely useless to me. I raised my glass up and drank the heavenly taste that would get my mind cleared up.

Something within didn't feel right. My wolf was growling slowly in my mind. I see my mother and father coming towards the throne, so out of respect I get up and head to them first.

   "How are you, sweetheart" my mom said as she cooed at how handsome I looked. I looked around to see some people staring and trying to hide their smiles. I clear my throat, while smiling awkwardly, "mom" I whined. My father gives me a pat in the back, a reassurance that everything will hopefully go well. We start talking about the evening so far. Xavier and Darius come near us, hand in hand.
The atmosphere suddenly grows dark, and tense. The lights are shutting off, and you can hear people screaming. The harsh winds blow open the windows, and with my vision I can see the sea getting rough. Everyone looks at me in worry, "what's happening" "why is it so dark" "who's she" that last sentence caught my attention.

     A woman wearing a dress as black as the night, her skin looked a sickly pale. Had it not been that mark on her forehead, I would've got the pack doctor to help her. She walks slowly towards the Centre, towards me. The wolves growl and we're about to attack when she opened her mouth. Everyone was in a trance, her voice trapped everyone in. Everyone but me. I looked around in confusion, my eyes changed into pitch black, my fangs elongated.
And right when I was about to transform, she stretched her hand out gracefully and sang once more.

    Her appearance looked odd but her voice sounded so majestic when it suddenly turned into poison in your ears. All of us fell to the ground. I clutched my head like many others, I mind linked everyone to try and block the noise out but it was impossible.
It seemed as if her skin had become even more pale, and she looked sick. The mark my wolf said. She took in a big breath but before she could retreat back to singing I pounced on her. My hands digging into her forehead, she screamed and withered beneath me.

     From my peripheral vision, I could see her hand turning into a sirens hand. Her claws were being forced out of her hand. And she was about to attack until the most incredible smell was brought to my attention. And the most incredible voice.
   This voice wasn't painful and made your ears bleed. This voice sounded as if it could heal your mind, heart and just make you feel lighter. I looked up and my breath hitched.

   The most beautiful- no that would be an understatement, the most gorgeous woman was standing before us all. Her black hair shimmered, her sapphire eyes looked like they told a story. Her pale skin, button nose, full lips and rosy cheeks were calling out to me. The moon suddenly shone on her, making her even more of an angel.
    Every wolf suddenly forgot about the pain, and just looked up in admiration. She started singing again, spreading her arms out gracefully as she took steps towards me. She looked at me as she kept singing. She touched my head, and it was as if something snapped in me.

    I growled lowly, got up and pulled her to me. She kept singing but slowly pushed on my chest, instead she caressed my face. I leaned more into her soft palm. My eyes opened as she turned to the almost dead looking siren on the ground. She sang harder, and the siren in black cried out in pain while my mate was singing even louder. Suddenly the siren in black just screamed, her skin looked as if it was melting off. Her eyes, ears and mouth were bleeding.
  And she just collapsed, no heartbeat could be heard.

  Suddenly my mate bend down and touched her forehead with her finger. She mumbled something quietly, too quiet for me to catch. The sirens body was set aflame and she disintegrated, her ashes flowing into the air and out the window.
   We were all left to stare at my beauty of a mate. My wolf yipped in happiness, and couldn't stop thanking the moon goddess for this blessing in disguise. She turned around and smiled at me, it felt as if it was just me and her. She arched one of her perfectly sculpted brow, smirked slightly and said

"sorry I crashed the party"

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sorry I haven't been updating, school is too much lmfao.

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