1. Constantly

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"Hey, chica! Have you seen the recent announcement from Principal Helen?" André's voice made Tori finally look away from having a staring contest with her "Make it Shine" locker. She saw him waving a flyer in his hand while stopping in front of her "Good morning, 'Dre. No, I haven't. Why?" she asked with her thousand watt smile, effectively masking her previous demeanor...

...except she forgot that this was André she was talking to...

"Hey Tori!!"

...and here comes Cat. She came bounding over her from out of nowhere and gave her a spine-crushing bear hug, typical of Catarina Valentine "Oof! C-Cat...can't...breathe!" Tori protested, causing the red haired girl to pull away with a slight worried pout. Tori, once she had enough air in her lungs, smiled at her and ruffled her hair, causing Cat to smile again

"Did something happen this morning, chica? You were staring into your locker..." André muses, momentarily forgetting what it was he was about to tell her when he had arrived. Tori inwardly flinched "No, uh, it's nothing. I just...didn't get enough sleep that's all! You know, I had to finish a whole load of homework and all..." Tori laughed sheepishly

"Uh-oh, it seems Sweet Sally Peaches had been up all night. Now, her peppy mood should finally go down, yes?"

Ugh, Tori had made a point to twitch when she heard that familiar mock voice that a certain 'not really friend' of hers finally emerged from the janitor's closet...with her boyfriend in tow. And might I add that that sort of made her feel a bit of jealous but she masked it, becoming very adept at such things, no one was able to even tell what she truly was feeling...


Except André...

Ah, the perks of being the best friend of Victoria Dawn Vega...

"I don't talk like that!" the expected retort from the half-Latina doesn't even make Jade's smirk vanish, in fact, it makes it even bigger, if Tori could see that right under the cup of coffee currently pressed up to Jade's lips

A few minutes before André arrived...

Tori had barely gotten inside the school when she bumped into Beck and Jade. Well, not really bump into because there was really no bumping involved

Anyway, Tori saw them talking, well, whispering just beside the vending machine, near the janitor's closet. She tried to make herself seem inconspicuous and just stay out of their way, walking towards her locker and tried to open it. Note: Tried. The damn thing wouldn't open even if she'd already twisted the combination. So, she decided to just up and heave and ho, pulling onto the locker's handle until it finally opened...

Albeit all of her books and some writing materials spilling out and crashing to the floor, making a loud noise...

Making the two notice her.

Tori gulped, tearing her eyes away from the pile on the floor, then to the two, waving sheepishly, Beck nodded to her as a greeting while Jade just growled, pulling on Beck's wrist and pushing him into the janitor's closet then slamming the door shut behind her


She doesn't know what hurt, if a.) the book that fell on her toe (now that she remembered how to move, she hissed in pain), b.) that Jade growled at her (that wouldn't have bothered her because that was just business as usual but considering the fact that she had been crushing on Jade, well, it just stung) or c.) that she just saw Jade push her boyfriend into the janitor's closet (she didn't know if either to make out, fuck or both whatever, it still stung)

Constantly (JORI / ELITORIA)Where stories live. Discover now