2. Secret Love Song Pt. II

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It was getting kind of irritating.

And André saw how much it did irritate his best friend. It took every single willpower of Tori to not just explode right then and there. They were currently at their usual table, Cat on her PearPhone chatting with her roommate, Robbie arguing with himself - Rex - Beck and Jade still sitting together so closely. He could see how much Beck hated this setup but he couldn't get through to his 'girlfriend'

It was a few days after Tori's performance at the Lunchtime Jam. Tori had come back after a whole hour of being gone after that performance and she brought good news;

Jade returned her feelings.

Of course André already knew so she made a point to lecture him about how tense she was but it didn't really matter because they felt the same way. André had replied that it was Jade who told him not to tell a soul. After that, he was curious as to why Tori didn't come back holding hands with Jade just as he thought she would

What Tori explained to him ticked him off. He wanted to lash out at Jade for caring first about her reputation and not give a flying fuck about how Tori will feel when she told her this. He knew Tori would definitely agree because that's just how she is and he knew that Jade also knew that! And that's why he came to a conclusion as to what really Jade was trying to do

It wasn't like Jade was insincere about saying that she actually likes Tori, hell, she loves her for pete's sake, if their conversations with each other and Beck was ever an indication. But knowing Jade, she had to keep her reputation. And that's why he thinks that she told Tori to keep their relationship a secret

Honestly, André felt sorry for her. He could see how much Tori also loved her. But in her attempt to keep Jade happy, she was hurting herself. It's no different from when they didn't know how each other felt. He saw Tori pick at her food, sighing before giving up and just grabbing a bottle of water and downing it in no time

He sighed again, he needed to say something "Tori-"

"Hey guys!!"

They all looked to see Sinjin and Burf walking towards Robbie and Cat "Sinjin? I thought you guys were busy setting up for a trial run of the Hollywood Arts livestream? I was gonna come to see how it was going after I ate..." Robbie said, while the two tried to catch their breath. After doing so, Sinjin looked up "We were setting up but we found out that we needed at least one person to sing just so someone would listen to the trial run of the livestream! I was about to ask if any of you wanted to sing?" he pointedly stares at Cat, Tori and Jade because we all know how good they sing

"Eh?" Tori managed to utter an unintelligent sound. It was then, the usual flash of idea flew throughout her being. Although, she never held what Jade was doing against her, she just needed an outlet. Being a good singer does have its perks, ya know

"Please? Any of you?" Burf piped in whilst Tori tapped her chin in thought. Jade saw this and raised an eyebrow Is she seriously gonna do a favor that Sinjin asked? The underlying jealous aura went unnoticed by Tori but was very much palpable to Beck who was inwardly smirking, if he couldn't get through to Jade, then maybe Tori will...

A few days earlier, Beck was leaning on the wall in the hallway, waiting for Jade to emerge somewhere. While there, he had his eyes closed while he he got lost in his thoughts; his mind wandering to the contest that was transpiring between him and his 'girlfriend'

A few weeks before...

"I propose a contest. Seeing as you two aren't exactly happy with each other anymore..." André was grinning, his statement made Jade growl angrily at him while Beck looked at him, surprised at the sudden pointing out of what the two of them really are

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