Part 64

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~Koras POV~

I got up from my seat and walked over to Payton's room. When I got there, I knocked on the door and slowly opened it. He was sitting on the floor with his back leaned against the wall while crying. God I feel so bad. He must have really loved this Samantha girl. The others told me a lot about her but only when Payton wasn't around. Now I see why. She died because he accidentally bit her.

K: hey

P: hi

I sat down next to him on the floor and continued to talk.

K: I'm sorry I was pushing you to go out. You don't have to if you don't want too.

P: no I lost the contest. I have to do it.

K: we can just forget about that

P: never

Payton slightly smiled and so did I.

K: what's on your mind

P: a lot of things

K: tell me at least one thing

P: ...I miss her. I really really miss her. I always wish that night went different. Maybe, just, maybe I could of had a life with her. I was literally seconds away from calling her mine but it all went away.

K: what happened that night wasn't your fault. The moon took over you.

P: but if I was more careful, it wouldn't have happened.

K: you don't know what would have happened. The best thing you could do now is think of the future. What happened back then can't be changed so leave it in the past. I know it's hard but I know you can do it.

Payton slightly nodded his head while sniffing. My eyes traveled down to his hands and saw that he was holding a black notebook.

K: what's that?

He looked at me confused and then down at his hands

P: oh um... it's-its

K: it's hers isn't

I could tell he was trying to say Samanthas name but he just couldn't

P: yeah... it was her notebook

K: if you don't mind me asking, why do you keep a hold of it.

P: because this is wear it all started. When I first met her in school, she wasn't even paying attention to the class because she was too busy drawing in this. I would annoy her just so I could see it. At that time we absolutely hated each other.

K: can I see?

P: yeah

Payton handed me the book and I started to flip through the pages. He placed his head on my shoulder and I can just tell that every page that I go through, he got more and more happier. Samantha was a really good drawer.

As I got to the last page I could feel Payton tense. I see why. It was a drawing of him. I was going to say something but I stopped myself because someone walked in. It was Jaden.

J: hey um- oh am I interrupting something?

K+P: no

J: uh ok... listen Payton I'm really sorry I said that. I didn't mean-

P: it's fine Jaden

J: really?

P: yeah I'm ok

Payton grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. I was surprised at first but I'm just going with it.

P: so where are we going?

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