5: The First Bank Robbery

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We arrived at the bank after a terribly bumpy ride. The Joker and I had to sit in the back seat next to each other, and we were so crammed that we kept awkwardly getting on top of each other. My leg was resting on his, or my arm was on top of his, or vice versa. Whenever his arm slipped over mine, he'd accidently push my breast, causing a more awkward air than before.

The amused henchmen watched as The Joker and I got increasingly flustered by the cramped space, but I took the opportunity to smack him. Every bump, I would jab him in the ribs. "Sorry," I would say innocently in response to his scowl and glare. "Not enough room."

I wanted to punch him in the face for getting back with Harley, and for hitting her. I was so angry.

Why was I mad for him being with Harley? They didn't belong with each other. They were a super unstable couple. And it made me mad.

Then, hitting her! Uncalled for! I understand she got in the way of his business but did he love her? Does he hit people he loves? Or does he just not care for her? Is he abusive to her?

I wanted to know. I looked at him with a squinty glance before we entered the bank and threw smoke grenades everywhere.

"Laughs! Giggles! Unicorn! Grab the hostages!" Rainbow yelled, taking the reins of them for me. I gave her a nod and she responded with a smirk. Her Mohawk was so tall and colorful that she was the only one I could see above the smoke, besides Joker, whose green hair was so distinct to me that there was no way I'd miss where he was. I sprinted over to him.

It was like he was used to smoke grenades because he knew exactly where to walk, but Penguin never used smoke grenades when I worked with him. I gripped onto The Joker's arm after nearly tripping.

He started giggling and leaned forward really fast, making me squeal, thinking we were falling, but we weren't. My jaw dropped and I looked at him, he started giggling even harder. I started to laugh as well, 'cause come on, that was kind of funny.

We approached the vault, where the smoke didn't gather as much and barely destroyed my sight.

"Start working on that vault," Joker ordered as he looked into the camera and smiled.

"Yes, sir." I spoke as I started to crack it, Joker behind me supervising and making sure I was doing it correctly. Once the vault was cracked open, Joker swung the door open, nearly squashing me. He seemed humored by the fact he nearly squashed me, and amusedly watched me jump out of the way.

I gathered the bags that Rainbow had thrown over and started to pack all the cash into the bag, Joker next to me doing the same.

"Have you ever done this with Penguin, doll?"

"Penguin wasn't so focused on money since he is already rich," I explained. "He was more into making people suffer to fix his self-esteem. He almost let me die, so I left to join you, so I really don't think he cares about lives, either."

Joker turned to me for a moment to examine my expression and raised an eyebrow. "Penguin is an asshole," Joker laughed. "I melted one of his waitress' face at the iceberg lounge, been feuding ever since. How could I help it? I had to mess with him." He went back to stuffing money in another blue bag.

I laughed. "He'd always tell us about that story, and he is still super pissed at you. He hates you!"

"Did you join me out of spite for him?"

I smirked, turning to him. "I joined you because you're better."

"Oh, I'm blushing!" Joker spoke, his words followed by laughter. I went on to the next bag and started stuffing money into it, snickering. "What job did you have?"

"I was Penguin's right hand gal. I organized everything, kept the men in line when he wasn't around. Women barely worked for him, his goons were so bad that they'd be raped and killed quickly. He never protected them. I had to fight for my life to make sure that didn't happen to me. It nearly did one time, but I shot the man and he died while crawling on top of me. Penguin punished me for killing one of his best men, and put me in a cell underneath the Iceberg Lounge."

"That's not what a real man would do," Joker started laughing. "Bird shit."

I laughed at that one pretty hard. I hated Penguin, and any joke of him was hilarious.

Also, the Joker was hilarious, so I couldn't help myself.

My hand reached for another wad of cash, but Joker's hand collided with mine, and we looked at each other in surprise. He pulled his hand back quickly as Rainbow came running in with Red, Blue and Pink. We each carried a bag and booked it to the getaway car, the men holding the hostages following with us. It was so organized of a heist that none of us died or even got injured, like I did when I was in Penguin's gang.

We hopped into the car after setting the cash down, and not even moments after closing the back door, the driver started hauling ass to our base, the sound of police sirens in pursuit. I started laughing loudly, causing everyone to look at me in surprise for breaking the tired silence. "Wooo!" I shouted happily, laughing once more. "Fuck those pigs!"

Joker burst out laughing. "Wooo!"

I laughed harder. "Wooo!"

I laughed, glancing away from the Joker for a moment to find Rainbow grinning at me. I paused laughing for a second to try to process why, but I pushed that aside and let the hilarity of the car chase bring me back to joy.

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