Track 7. | We Will Rock You

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"Buddy you're a young man
Hard man, shouting in the street
Gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on your face, big disgrace
Waving your banner all over the place"

Song: We will rock you - Queen.

* * *

Today is the court date for Harry. My stomach is turning with nerves. This is my first official court appearance where I will be talking and defending.

I pull my black blazer onto my shoulders over my white blouse. I run my hands over the fabric of my suit to make sure there was no wrinkles.

"Are you still adjusting your clothes?" Will said as he looked at me in my bathroom from my bedroom.

"I have to look professional Will, I have to look like I mean business" I say unbuttoning a few buttons on my blouse to show my pearl necklace. I made sure I had this necklace on me before I went in to the court room as it's my lucky charm. It goes everywhere with me.

"As much as I hate your pant suits honey, you do look professional but hot" Will says with a wolf whistle afterwards.

I roll my eyes and walk out to get my black heels.

"Time?" I ask Will as I pull the shoes onto my feet holding onto the wall for balance.

"8.30 you've got plenty of time, you don't have to be there until 9" Will says now walking back into my room eating a bowl of cereal.

"Okay good, I need a coffee, you want one?" I ask walking into my kitchen and boiled the kettle.

Will nodded with a mouth full of cereal looking at me from the sofa in the living room.

I quickly make two coffee's and I bring the mugs into the living room and finally sitting down next to Will. I needed to sit now I haven't sat down since I got up at 6, my nerves woke me up.

"What happens if he's cleared of the charge for the drugs but not the mysterious other case?" Will says putting down his empty bowl on the coffee table.

I take a sip of my coffee and sit back into the sofa.

"Then I'll just have to try get him cleared of that one, they haven't told me what it is yet because he hasn't admitted and there's no evidence he done it, that's all Harry told me" I say rolling my eyes annoyed at the fact I haven't been told anything.

We drink our coffees and jump into my car.

"Don't let your nerves get to you, stay calm and be a boss bitch up in that court room" Will says before he gets out to head into his apartment.

"I'll try my best" I laugh as I waved him off. He smiles back happily with a wave before walking into his apartment block.

I reach the court house at 8:50 leaving me enough time to sign in and show my ID at the front desk before I can go to the waiting room to be called for the trial.

"Ms Anderson! Good morning!" Officer Brown says walking into the waiting room with a smile. If he's here that means Harry is here too, they should be starting the trial soon.

"Good morning Officer Brown, is everything going okay?" I ask with a smile wondering why he's coming to see me since he should be watching Harry.

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