Track 21. | R U Mine?

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Trigger warning: drugging. I understand if you can't read this chapter I'll put a small summary of this chapter on the next that isn't in as much detail on the topic that this chapter is.

"I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be
And satisfaction feels like a distant memory
And I can't help myself
All I wanna ever say is, "Are you mine?"
Well, are you mine?
Are you mine?
Are you mine? Oh, ah"

Song: R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys.

* * *


We finally arrived in Florida.

The minute we parked in the RV lot I hopped up from my space beside Niall on the sofa and grabbed my bags.

I head for the door after asking Stevie to watch Elton while I'm gone for the night. I need to stay in a hotel before I go mentally insane.

"Where are you going?" Harry asks me from the drivers seat.

"Why do you care?" I say mimicking his words from the other night.

All day yesterday we didn't speak one word to each other the whole RV was silent everyone felt like me or Harry were about to blow up at any minute if one of them spoke.

"You can't just walk out into Florida like you aren't wanted!" Harry calls after me as I walk down the street to find a taxi.

I stick my middle finger up at him and keep walking my body filled with anger.

I hear Harry huff and walk back into the RV slamming the door. Fuck off.

I sigh and haul a taxi quickly jumping in.

"Where to?" The old taxi driver asked me looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Nearest hotel" I say quickly looking out the window as we drive off down the street.

I sigh again and lean back in my seat closing my eyes. If I had my way I would of shot that mother fucker dead, but of course I couldn't, he's our stupid leader who doesn't know when to close his fucking mouth.

Stevie asked me what happened yesterday morning as she knew something was wrong by my pissed off expression all day and not talking or laughing once. I told her it was nothing and she didn't press me any further. How do I tell her that her older brother is a fucking dick head who doesn't think about other people only himself.

Niall and Louis tried their best to cheer me up as they knew I wasn't myself. Niall tried to get me drunk which ended in getting himself drunk while trying to get me to sing with him which earned him a slap from Louis as he seen Niall was annoying me. I hate that I acted that way to them all but once someone annoys me I can't snap myself out of that mood for awhile.

Harry's words still sting every time I see him. The moment we shared last night was short lived and his words over took that memory in my brain all I think about when I see him is his cruel words.

I've a feeling that I was the first person to ever get a glimpse into who he actually is. He doesn't open up much, he keeps it all bottled in until he explodes like he did last night, at me.

I open my eyes and see that we're driving up to a small hotel, it must be a motel by the looks of it.

"Here we are" the taxi driver smiles at me as he parks right outside.

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