Chapter Five

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There's something going on with Dr. Wells. I don't know what it is but he just seems... Off.

Him and I were helping Barry yesterday with training, and I could have sworn I saw his foot move again. It's been driving me insane.

I rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands, my fingers tangled in my hairline as I stared at the high ceiling in my apartment, a loud groan escaping me.

"Maybe he's just getting feeling back in his lower half. That's be a miracle... and a half." I snorted, laughing at my own, terrible joke.

My laugh suddenly stopped when Cisco's number appeared in my phone. I frowned, answering the call.

"Cisco?" I said as I heard him huff, like he was out of breath.

"Cora! Good. Phew thank god you're still awake. I was going over why Barry wasn't feeling well this morning, and I think I-" I cut him off with a yawn.

"Look. Love ya, but it's 2 in the morning and I want to try and get at least an hour of sleep without having a terrifying nightmare. You can tel me when we get to S.T.A.R. labs tomorrow."


"Cisco. Go to bed or I'm throwing away all your toys."

"Which ones?"

"Your dolls." I joked.

"They are action figures!"

"Action figures are for display. Not tea time." I said with a roll of my eyes.

"How do you know about that?!" Cisco choked out.

"There are cameras, buddy."

"Oh I'm gonna-"

"Goodnight Cisco!" I said, hanging up as I fell into my pillow.

I sighed, turning my head to look out the window, the moon shining brightly into my skin.

I groaned once more, knowing I wouldn't get any sleep. So instead, I threw my satin covers off my body, swinging my legs off the bed and stood up.

"Shit-" I said before falling face first into the floor.

"Curse my iron deficiency." I muffled through my rug as I slapped my hands into the ground, forcing myself back into my feet.

I made my way to the kitchen, where I stopped, hearing breathing that wasn't mine. I turned around, backing into my counter near the knives, quickly grabbing one.

"I have a knife again! I'm a blonde that isn't afraid to stab a bitch!" I yelled, making my way around the corner.

I dropped the knife next to me as I screamed, slapping Iris across the face out of self defense.

"OH MY GOD IRIS IM SO SOR- How did you get in my house? More importantly how did you get my address?" I said as I slowly picked up the knife as she shook her head violently.

"Your front door was wide open... and Barry told me." Iris breathed as I made an 'o' with my lips.

"And I needed to talk to you."

"At 2 in the morning? Iris can't this wait-"

"It's about Barry." Iris interrupted as I stopped, frowning.

"B-Barry? What about him he's perfectly fine."

"No he isn't. He's hiding something from me, Cora. Do you know what it is?" Thank god for the darkness, or Iris would have seen my eyes bulge out.

"Hiding something? I wouldn't really know. I've only known Barry for a few days. And if he was hiding something I'm sure he'd tell you. Didn't you guys grow up together?" I asked as Iris huffed through her nose, sounding angry.

"Yes. We did. And that means I know he's hiding something, Cora. And I want to know what it is."

"All I know is that he just got out of a coma." I said, trying to manipulate Iris into thinking it's just barry acting different because of being practically dead for 9 months. "He's probably just acting weirdly because he just got out it. He doesn't know what's been going on, and I'm sure he isn't trying to act weird." I said, not even sure if I made sense.

"Yeah... I guess you may be right." Iris said as I held back my sigh of relief. "I should talk to him about it. I Uh... should get going. We need sleep." She said as I nodded, leading her out of my apartment.

"Goodnight Iris."

"Night." She said as I shut the door, locking it. I slammed my back against the door, breathing out a sigh of relief through my mouth.

"Thank god." I said to myself, running a hand through my hair as I locked my door, stumbling back to the kitchen to put away the knife.

I fell onto the couch, grabbing a magazine and began to read it with the help of the moons light, which did not help my already poor eyesight.

Soon, I found my eyes growing heavy, but before I completely passed out, I was jolted awake by the face of the man in the yellow suit. My heart pounded out of my chest as I gripped onto the magazine, looking around with wide eyes.

I groaned, my head falling back into the pillow as I closed my eyes, but all I could see was his face.

He just looked so... Angry. Like I had done something wrong.

And for once, I felt like I did do something wrong. But the last time I did something wrong was when I accidentally didn't pay for my coffee at Jitters when I had visited central city a while back.

And for that night the particle accelerator went off...

Or the time I tried to hug a picture. Why did I do that again?

I squinted as I tried to erase his face from my memories, but it was like his face was etched into my skull.

I tried to hide the fact I wasn't scared that night, but in all honesty... I was terrified.

I thought I was going to die.

But now that I have the Flash, and the team, I knew I would be safe.

For now, at least.

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