• nineteen

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"felix.. i can explain!"

"hyung! what the hell?!"

"n-no! it's not what you think!"

"y-you killed people!"

"ch-changbin hyung.. fuck this."

with that, felix left with tears rolling down his cheeks. he couldn't believe what he heard from changbin's mouth.

was he insane?

did he actually kill people?

a few more questions were still circling around hus head that doesn't seem to leave his mind.

while changbin.. he's panicking and crying too.

"well, fuck."

"i messed up. but he likes me, right? shouldn't he believe me when i say i didn't mean what i said?"

he called jeongin for help instead.

"w-what's up h-hyung?"

"i was talking to myself like i always do and then felix came in to visit."

"mmh s-so?"

"i was worrying if he found out what i really do. then he overheard me, he left. what the fuck do i do?!"

"j-ju-just.. fuck! just lie!"

then jeongin hung up.


"i've lied.. a lot of times that barely anyone knows what i really am. what if i get exposed?"

"that was great."


jeongin collapsed on the bed, facing the side while hyunjin put his arm around his waist.

"so changbin hyung killed people and you're his accomplice?"

bro woojin deactivated his insta he's guilty it's soooooo obvious 🤡🤡🤡

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