"For the last time mom, I'm just going to the store. Besides, the virus hasn't spread to our part of town yet." "Yes but I still want you to be careful, Leah." "Alright, alright. Fine." Leah said, walking out the door and closing it behind her. She looked towards the car and then to the sidewalk. "I could use a walk." She said shrugging.
(Late Author's Note: Leah also has the ears and tail and claws of a lion. so basically like a lion that has the body stance of a human. Literally a lion that has the body form of a human.
As she was halfway done shopping, she got an amber alert from her phone: "All citizens, this is not a drill, the virus has reached our part of town. Report home and lock your windows and doors and go to the safest spot in your home. I repeat, Do. Not. Leave. Your. Home."
Leah's P.O.V
I froze. Here? Now? How did it get here so fast? I suddenly heard screaming and turned around to see someone dressed as a clown, running around chasing people with a giant, rainbow polka-dotted mullet in his hand. But the worst that could ever happen, did when he stopped and looked at me. I could feel my body grow numb from fear. I swear I saw his eyes go normal as he motioned for me to run. But, why? He was a monster. But, monsters don't give you head starts. He must've been a regular person.
All of them must have been. But what happened to them? I snapped out of my thoughts as I darted off. The bathroom was the closest. Now I know you should never go to the bathroom but it was the only thing I could see. I went to the corner furthest away from the door and hid behind a wall. I covered by face with my hands. 'I'm going to die..' I thought as tears poured down my cheeks. And that's when my biggest nightmare become reality when I heard the doors swing open. I heard a mullet being dragged across the floor.
I gave myself away when I let out a shriek. Then the clown turned the corner. He looked me dead in the eye and had a wide smile on his face. The last thing I remember is the pain from being knocked out by his mullet.
No One's P.O.V
Leah's eyes flickered open as she looked around. She saw all the monsters staring at her and a, "Potato man...?" She muttered, pushing herself off the floor before realizing her wrist was chained to a pole. "Eh, I guess you can call me that. But I do prefer Mr. P. Anyways, you are one of the lucky few who I've chosen to spare in return for becoming one of these." The man said as he gestured to the other monsters, "And great job Clowny. You've found our last recruit." 'Clowny? That must be his name..' Leah thought as she realized what the man said, "You mean become one of those things?!" "Precisely." The man answered. "No way!" Leah immediately regret what she said as a fox with a red hoodie held a knife to her neck.
"If you choose not to, I'll let him kill you. It's your choice, kill, or get killed." "I'll....I'll kill.." "Wise choice. Foxy, bring me the potion." Mr. P said as the fox brought him a large needle with the virus inside. "This might hurt.." The man said as he stuck Leah's arm with it. She screamed in pain, but soon she felt weird. Like, all she wanted to do was..... kill. Her eyes were black. Her left eye had a white pupil, and the right, a dark green one; and her teeth with sharper then ever. Her claws were fully visible as she was handed a small log with both ends sharpened.
"It's the only thing I had left. Now, what is your name?" Mr. P asked. "Leah." "Leah... Leah. Meh, way to 'artificial happy land'. I need something scarier. Something like... Linny." "....." "A quiet one eh? No matter. Anyways, you've most likely already met Clowny and Foxy. So, this is Penny, Zizzy, Pony, Soldier, Torcher, Mousy, Robby, Sheepy, Bunny, Robby, Doggy, Poley, Giraffy, Elly, Tigery, Angel, Devil, Kitty, Badger, and Billy. Now you all go. Bring me back more blood..." Mr. P said as the others all nodded and left the plant.
Clowny's P.O.V
As we all neared the carnival from the back entrance, I took a glance at Linny. I felt so bad for dragging her into this torture. But then again, I wasn't in control of my actions anymore. As soon as we entered the park we took out our weapons and started chasing everyone. I saw Pony stab someone with his wooden sword. I was traumatized. But wasn't I always? I snapped out of my thoughts as I turned and saw someone staring at me and shaking; backing away from me, they screamed. I gave a creepy smile and chased them, raising my mullet.
I cornered them at a wall. They begged me to spare them. I fought the urge to slam my mullet down on them, but I failed. Blood splattered all over me and my mullet. All night it was the same thing. Pick a target, chase them, kill them. Every day, every night. I was tired of it. But when we reached the plant again, Mr. P told us that he had a surprise.
"I've decided to give you all a day off, and an upgrade. You will be able to control yourselves again. But only when you're under lock and key here in the plant. And ONLY here in the plant." Of course no one had smiles on they're faces, we lost our emotions after we were infected. It took about an hour to give everyone the upgrade, and lock us in the most secure room I've ever seen.
No One's P.O.V
"Ooow.. my head..." Penny said, holding a hand against her head. "Speak for yourself, I got cramps in places I didn't even know I had." "Oh shut up Doggy." "How bout you Penny?" "Alright guys, that's enough." Sheepy said as she and Zizzy approached the pair.
"There's a theme here, everyone likes locking me in cages for some odd reason." Foxy said. "Well I mean, I never meant to lock you in that small cage." Clowny said as Foxy gave a small smile, "I know." "Hey guys, has anyone even said a word to that girl over there?" Zizzy asked. Clowny's smile faded, "I feel so bad for dragging her into this." "It's not your fault." A voice said. "What?" "I said it's not your fault." "Um, thanks I guess." Clowny said, a small smile soon returning. "Okay, I ship you guys already." Penny said pushing Clowny closer to Linny. But Clowny threatened her with his mullet, causing Penny to stop.
"Alright Penny, settle down." Torcher said. "Your just mad because you know I ship you and Soldier." "Here we go again with people dragging me into things. No matter how hard I try I always end up in the middle of these things." Soldier said, dragging out each sentence. "Hey I've been meaning to ask, what happened to your legs Mousy?" Linny asked. "Robby cut them off before I was made a monster. Then I was placed in the vents at the mall to keep people from escaping through the vents." Mousy answered, not seeming to be bothered by the theme. Robby just smiled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head, looking away.
"Speaking of which," A voice said, it was Mr. P. "I have decided where to put Linny. She will be in the Mall and sometimes the Carnival." "But why both?" Pony asked. "Someone has to keep Clowny and Foxy from killing each other, and lions are sometimes at the circus, plus, the mall is where she was originally found." Mr. P said. "You guys aren't bothered that this guy turned you into killing machines?!" Linny said, a little shocked. "After a few years, you get used to it." Penny answered.
"You've been here for YEARS?!" Linny shrieked. "Yea.." Penny rubbed the back of her head. Mr. P spoke up, "And don't expect to be leaving either. Ta ta." He said, heading back into the darkness. "...I'm gonna make you into mashed potatos!" Linny screamed as she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Clowny, holding his mullet. "Can I help?" "Sure." "Shiiiiiiip!" Penny fangirled. "Penny!" Everyone screamed.
5 Weeks Later , Linny's P.O.V
It's been about 5 weeks of nothing but the same thing every day. Choose a victim, scare them half to death, then finish them off. Every single day. It gets boring. Mousy and I have gotten close. But most of all, Clowny has become my closest friend. From these past weeks I've learned all about them. This is pretty much my life now ever since I've been......

HorrorWhen you look at them, what do you see? A monster? A killer? A heartless person? I know what I see. But do you know? What do they do when they're not running around killing players that dare to cross they're territory? Find out about the infection...