No One's P.O.V
"Rise and shine my killers! Today is another day of-" Mr. P was cut off by Poley, "Picking a target, scaring them, killing them. We know." "Well then I'll tell you what we're going to do today then. I'm going to split you into two groups. Poley, Kitty, Elly, Giraffy, Torcher, Soldier, Badger, Billy, Mousy, and Robby in Group 1. And Sheepy, Tigery, Penny, Foxy, Clowny, Linny, Bunny, Doggy, Zizzy, and Pony in Group 2. Group 1 will attack the mall, group 2 the carnival." Mr. P continued.
At The Carnival
Mr. P had already sent off Group 1, he was now explaining to Group 2 what to do, "Since you all can't run around in a group killing everyone, I'll put you into pairs. Sheepy will have to be alone. Penny and Foxy. Linny and Clowny. Bunny and Doggy. And finally, Zizzy and Pony. And if you see anyone you know, heh.. that won't be my fault." "What do you mean it won't be-" Doggy was cut off by the infection taking control again.
Linny's P.O.V
We made it inside the Carnival. It was actually kinda different this time. Instead of running around like crazy, people were trying to find keys and stuff. For some reason Foxy was in a cage while Penny beat anyone who got away from him. Zizzy and Pony guarded the exits. Bunny and Doggy jump scared people. Sheepy ran around killing people like usual, and me and Clowny guarded the entrance to Mr. P's fake lair. Not many people made it to the lair, most that made it were half dead. It's as if this were a game, except if you lose, you die.
Everything was going 'normal' until someone shot Clowny before he could smash someone else to bits. He just stood there, as if he was frozen. I turned towards the person with the freeze gun. I felt weird. Clowny wasn't frozen anymore, but I still felt like.... killing that guy.
He pointed the gun at me, but I kept walking. They pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. I lifted my hand, opening my fist to reveal the ammo. I smiled and crushed it, but they just stared at me in fear. I pinned them down. They squealed and struggled but they were weaker from fear. They begged me to spare them. I totally wanted to, but I had no control. I stabbed them multiple times. In the eye, arm, leg, and side. I stabbed them in each place three times before leaving them to bleed to death.
The next thing I saw was a hologram of Mr. P dragging the others back towards the plant; each of them having a chain tied around they're neck. I know one thing, you can turn me into a killer machine but you're never putting a chain on me.
But of course the infection told me otherwise, as I found myself following them. Once we were back in the cage that night, Mr. P told us that we were going to attack the new area, "The Neighborhood (isnt actually in the game i just need it for this and the next chapter)." "What?!" No way!" "Na huh!" "Count me out!" "Your insane!" "Which Neighborhood?" I asked. "OakleyHollow." Mr. P replied. "Oakley.... Holl-... No! My parents live there!" I scream, fighting back my tears. "A lot of our parents do!" Doggy added.
Mr. P answered, "Well then try to contain yourselves." He said coldly before walking back into the darkness. "This is sickening!" Mousy screeched. "He's gonna make us kill our own parents!" Soldier yelled. Clowny got up and started banging the bars with his hammer. (I got tired of saying mullet tbh.) Pony and Doggy joined him in banging the walls. "Guys it's no use, we're stuck in here. We can't do anything- about-" Penny couldn't even talk straightly. This wasn't like her. "George!" She screamed, bursting out in tears.
Clowny, Pony, and Doggy stopped banging on the bars. We all stared at Penny. Foxy walked over to her and sat down, pulling her into a hug. "Hey Penny, we'll find a way out of this.. And I'm sure George is out there somewhere." Foxy soothed, rubbing his hand on the back of Penny's head. I would totally ship if this weren't so sad.

TerrorWhen you look at them, what do you see? A monster? A killer? A heartless person? I know what I see. But do you know? What do they do when they're not running around killing players that dare to cross they're territory? Find out about the infection...